Goncharova Y. Features of Stress Coping Among Police Officers in Wartime

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 053 - Психологія


Specialized Academic Board

ID 7052

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs


The dissertation provides a theoretical analysis and empirical study of the problem of stress management among police officers in wartime conditions, specifically examining the nature and specificity of stress. It has been determined that coping strategies serve as an adaptive mechanism for police officers in stressful situations. In the dissertation, police resilience is considered as a factor of resistance to stress in wartime. Police officers are a crucial element in maintaining order and security during the war. Their ability to effectively cope with stress impacts the overall stability of society, as the safety of citizens and the prevention of emergencies depend on their work. It has been shown that, in wartime, police officers face extremely difficult and dangerous situations, such as large-scale combat operations, terrorist threats, civilian evacuations, and addressing the aftermath of shelling. These conditions can lead to chronic stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other psychological issues that require appropriate coping strategies to maintain mental health. Coping strategies directly influence police officers' ability to perform their duties. Officers who can effectively manage stressful situations are better able to make decisions, act with focus, and maintain calm in extreme conditions. In wartime, police officers work under constant psychological pressure. Without proper emotional regulation and effective coping strategies, the risk of professional burnout increases, which can lead to reduced motivation, psychosomatic disorders, and even withdrawal from service. As factors that increase resilience and help police officers overcome stress and cope with difficult life situations, the following are presented: anticipatory capacity, effective coping strategies, resilience, and self-compassion. On the other hand, the risk factors that provoke stress in police officers include antivitality, fear of self-compassion, and reactive behavior. The dissertation first identifies the psychological characteristics of police officers employing various types of coping strategies for stress management. It is established that police personnel with stagnant coping exhibit low professional activity, mental resilience, and emotional engagement at work; they are more prone to avoidance of problems and disengagement in the face of failure, increasing the risk of psychological burnout. Their level of self-compassion is low, leading to self-criticism and greater vulnerability to stress. They show the highest level of using avoidance strategies for stress, significantly impacting their professional effectiveness and motivation. It is found that police officers with balanced coping are characterized by the ability to maintain psychological stability and manage their emotions in stressful situations; they are less susceptible to burnout due to the optimal use of available resources and their adaptability; their level of self-compassion is moderate, and they are open to empathy, although they may sometimes face certain limitations. While their ability to anticipate slightly lags behind that of effective groups, they remain effective in stressful conditions due to a combination of proactive and reactive strategies. It has been determined that police officers with effective coping are characterized by a high capacity for active problem-solving, quick recovery from stress, and low tendencies toward avoidance; they demonstrate the highest level of professional activity, mental resilience, and emotional commitment to their work, helping them to avoid burnout. Their capacity for self-compassion is the highest, due to their mindfulness and kindness towards themselves, which contributes to maintaining emotional stability and professional effectiveness. For the first time, it has been clarified that the parameters of resilience and life satisfaction during wartime maintain stability despite inherent coping strategies, emphasizing a certain independence of these aspects from coping strategies and highlighting the importance of their separate support.

Research papers

Гончарова Я.І. Особливості спрямованості поліцейських у складних професійних ситуаціях. Наукові записки. Серія: Психологія. 2024. №1. С. 49-54.

Гончарова Я.І. Специфіка проактивної копінг-поведінки поліцейських в умовах воєнного стану. Габітус. 2024. №58. С. 227-231.

Гончарова Я.І. Самовладання поліцейських з використанням різних стратегій копінг-поведінки. Перспективи та інновації науки. 2024. №3(37). С. 803-811.

Шиліна А.А., Гончарова Я.І. Специфіка прийняття рішень поліцейськими в умовах воєнного стану. Наукові перспективи (спецвипуск). 2024. №5(47). С. 1735-1743.

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