Reznik K. Factors of Psychological Mindedness of male and female police officers in war conditions

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 053 - Психологія


Specialized Academic Board

ID 7054

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs


In the dissertation, a theoretical analysis and empirical study of the problem of Psychological Mindedness of male and female police officers in the conditions of war is carried out. It is shown that in the complex military realities of today, when police officers experience and observe suffering and loss every day, when their places of stay change, the conditions of professional activity, when the usual way of life collapses - there is an urgent need to understand one's own feelings and thoughts, to better understand oneself and others people, their own and other people's emotions, behaviour. After all, each new day of the war brings contacts with many people, requires solving many important issues and problems. And it is at this time that the need to be aware of one's role and one's place in the tragic events happening around, the need to understand what a person is feeling and doing at the moment, why he is experiencing such feelings, whether something is really important to him, and is a person ready to change something? In the dissertation, for the first time, the psychological mindedness of male and female police officers was investigated in the context of their performance of extreme professional tasks in the conditions of war, which is presented as a multiaspect characteristic that reflects not only interest, but also the ability to analyze, observe and understand both their own psychological processes and characteristics, as well as surrounding people, and which can be transformed under the influence of significant external sources. It is shown that emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, perfectionism, tolerance for uncertainty, personal decision-making factors in uncertain situations, as well as coping strategies can act as factors of psychological mindedness of male and female police officers in war conditions. In the dissertation, it is empirically proven that the structures of the functioning of factors of psychological mindedness are qualitatively transformed depending on the stressogenic load of the conditions of professional activity in men and women. It has been empirically established that the activity of factors of psychological mindedness decreases with the increase of stressogenic professional load, and the scope of their functioning in men is more limited. In the work, conceptual ideas regarding the content and specifics of the functioning of psychological mindedness were further developed, in particular, provisions regarding the dynamics of such factors of psychological mindedness of police officers as emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, perfectionism, tolerance for uncertainty, personal decision-making factors in uncertain situations, as well as coping strategies in extreme conditions of war. The dissertation improved approaches to the organization of psychological work, aimed at developing the skills of introspection, mental state management, and productive response to errors in extreme service conditions. In the first section of the work, it is shown that the performance of official tasks by employees of the National Police of Ukraine takes place in special psychologically stressful conditions, and the war plot acts as an objective determinant of their complication. It is noted that the lack of time, the lack of operational information, the uncertainty of situations in which tasks have to be performed; the variety of tasks that must be solved, including those not typical of police units in peacetime; high responsibility for the consequences of decisions and actions; a high probability of being injured or killed in the course of the task - all these are factors of extremity, military existence, which place increased demands on the personality of each police officer. Functioning in the conditions of war causes a cardinal impact on the life and professional space of police officers, which can be reflected in changes in their personal traits and properties, habitual forms and ways of behavior, features of social interaction and relationships. It is shown that female police officers experience greater stress in extreme conditions of service, which is associated with worries about children and loved ones. Psychological mindedness is presented as a psychological phenomenon that reflects the individual ability of a person to observe and describe his inner mental life, connect external and internal events, tendency to self-analysis, self-observation and anticipation.

Research papers

Резнік К. О. Діагностика соціального та емоційного інтелекту у поліцейських з різною мірою психологічної розумності. Вісник Львівського університету. Серія психологічні науки. 2022. Випуск 15. С. 95-101.

Резнік К. О. Емпіричне дослідження психологічного благополуччя поліціантів у період середньої дорослості. Вчені записки ТНУ імені В. І. Вернадського. Сер.: Психологія. 2023. Т. 34 (73), № 1. С. 184-189.

Резнік К. О. Специфіка емоційних переживань у різновікових та різногендерних групах поліцейських. Дніпровський науковий часопис публічного управління, психології, права. 2023. № 1. С. 198-202.

Резнік К. О. Особливості психологічної розумності у поліцейських в період фахової підготовки. Габітус. Випуск 46. 2023. С.243-247.

Резнік К. О. Психологічна розумність та локус контролю у поліцейських: гендерний ракурс проблеми. Журнал «Наукові інновації та передові технології». Серія «Психологія. No 8(36) 2024. С. 1654-1666.

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