Skvarylyuk M. Tariff management for "green" energy in unstable conditions. −Qualifying scientific work as a manuscript.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 073 - Менеджмент

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 20.052.043ID7218

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas


In the context of the neo-industrial modernization of the economy and to achieve the goals of sustainable development, all industrial enterprises must reconsider their strategies and turn to an innovative path of development. The same applies to oil transport enterprises as high-tech facilities. According to the results of the study, the first section considered the theoretical and methodological foundations of tariff formation in the field of "green" energy. The urgency of "green" energy as a key element of the strategy for reducing responsibility to nature and the transition to sustainable management is emphasized. It is emphasized that without active state support and creating incentives for the development of green energy, it may be difficult to attract a sufficient level of investment, since the obstacle to realization the program of technology implementation programs for the production of green energy is the high cost of installing equipment for their production. A list of social (impact on the labor market; perception; support in society and social interaction) and technical and technological (technical difficulties and disadvantages associated with the problems of efficient energy storage, dependence on weather conditions and technological limitations) factors of influence on the development of "green" energy and their description is given. Based on scientific research on the regulation of natural monopolies, cataloging definitions of the "green" tariff and its retrospective description is carried out. The mechanism of formation of the "green" tariff is described, where the most significant role is played by the participation of the energy generating enterprise in the electricity market. Emphasizing the feasibility of this study and the objective need to create conditions for the development and implementation of new, energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies for the production and consumption of "green" energy, it is proposed to form an optimal set of national policies aimed at the environmental aspect, which will stimulate the reduction of negative emissions in the fuel and energy complex, industry, housing and communal services, etc. Considering the appropriate development and implementation of measures to protect critical energy infrastructures from possible threats associated with the introduction of "green" energy, a list of priority areas for supporting the strategic development of "green" energy has been formed, including the use of tax incentives and other financial state mechanisms to support the development of "green" technologies. The scientific and practical basis for ensuring energy security in the transition to the effective use of green energy technologies has been developed. Ensuring energy security and taking into account the impact on the psychology and culture of society determines the effective transition to the effective use of «green» energy technologies. The analysis of historical patterns of development of world energy is carried out, modern conditions of functioning of world energy economy are considered and new tendencies which arise in modern conditions are estimated. The historical basis for the formation of the world fuel and energy alliance in the XX-XXI centuries was visualized, which became the basis for the emergence of a modern approach to the development of energetics. It is argued that the key concept of national economies is the concept of "green" economic growth, which increases the security of society and reduces the risk of economic and financial crises. In this context, the necessary condition is proclaimed environmentally friendly development of the economy, and energy efficiency of production is considered as one of the criteria for sustainable development of society. The analysis of the world experience of the leading countries in the implementation of green energy projects has proved that the funds borrowed by international organizations and state support play an important role in financing green energy projects. The second section identified the main trends in the implementation of the strategy for the development of energy enterprises in the climate policy of the state and ensuring the management of their quality and timeliness of the energy transition. Based on the analysis of the fuel and energy balance, information on short-, medium- and long-term challenges of each energy sector is systematized. It reflects tendentious changes in volumes of supply of fossil energy resources and volumes of supply of energy resources obtained from alternative energy sources. The analytical materials carried out situational analysis of nuclear, coal, hydrocarbon energy, which gave reason to believe that the potential of renewable energy sourc

Research papers

1) Гораль Л. Т., Гавриленко М. М., Шийко В. І., Шкварилюк М. В. Стратегічні орієнтири регулювання діяльності природних монополій в умовах цифровізації. В.: Інноваційні платформи управління економічними процесами в умовах цифровізації економіки: монографія , заг.ред.. В. В. Прохорова, Харків, 2020. В-во Іванченка І. С., С. 201-210.

2) Shvets,N., Rudevska, V., Shkvaryliuk, M. and V. Tanase «Genesis of the concept of sustainable development and mechanisms for achieving a sustainable society». Socio-economic relations in the digital society. 2022 DOI:10.55643/ser.4.46.2022.467

Marta V. Shkvaryliuk, Liliana T. Horal, Inesa M. Khvostina, Natalia I. Yashcheritsyna and Vira I. Shiyko. The use of genetic algorithms for multicriteria optimization of the oil and gas enterprises financial stability //

Гораль Л. Т., Шийко В. І., Шкварилюк М. В. Вдосконалення системи бюджетування на підприємствах газотранспортної галузі. Ефективна економіка. 2019. № 6. – URL: DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2019.6.4

Швець Н, Гораль Л., Шкварилюк М., Перехід до циркулярної економіки як передумова для розвитку «зеленої» енергетики. Науковий огляд, Том 6, №91, 2023. Електронний журнал DOI:

Гораль, Л., & Шкварилюк, М. (2023). Алгоритм імплементації стратегії розвитку енергетичних підприємств в кліматичну політику. Вісник Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут" (економічні науки), (4), 54–59.

Шкварилюк М.В. Аналіз економічних тенденцій ефективності соціально-відповідального тарифоутворення в зеленій енергетиці. Економіка та суспільство. 2024. №62.

Шкварилюк М.В. Розвиток «зеленої» енергетики в сучасних трансформаційних умовах// БізнесІнформ№12, 2023. С. 151-158

Шкварилюк М. В. Основні вектори розвитку зеленої енергетики в Україні: тарифна плітика// Проблеми економіки №1(59), 2024. С. 38-43

10) Bogdanov Ivan, Bogdanova Olga, Hlukhonets Oksana, Petryshyn Roman, Shkvarylyuk Marta, Kirshak Khrystyna. Application of Grey Relational Analysis for Utilizing Arrificial Intelligence Methods in Aviation Management. // AI in Business: Opportunities and imitations https: //

Шкварилюк М. В. Ефективна реалізація зеленої енергетики в Україні: теоретико-прикладні аспекти // Вчені записки : зб. наук. пр. / М-во освіти і науки України, Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана ; [редкол.: О. Яценко (голов. ред.) та ін.]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2024. – Вип. 34. – С. 252–261.

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