The thesis is devoted to researching the theory and practice of forming the readiness for creative self-expression of future musical and pedagogical workers in universities of China by means of pop music. The expediency of the scientific understanding of the outlined problem is strengthened by the need to eliminate a number of identified contradictions present in modern pedagogical theory and practice, namely: requirements for the training of highly qualified musicpedagogical workers in the People's Republic of China and in Ukraine and the insufficiently high level of training of these specialists for reative self-expression in professional activities; accumulated experience and the lack of comprehensive comparative studies of the theory and practice of creative self-expression of future musical and pedagogical workers in the educational process of universities of the People's Republic of China and Ukraine by means of pop music; the needs of creative self-expression of future music-pedagogical workers in the educational process of higher education institutions of the People's Republic of China and Ukraine by means of pop music and insufficiently developed educational and methodological support for the formation of the readiness of future musicpedagogical workers for creative self-expression.
The purpose of the study is to systematize theoretical ideas and generalize the experience of forming the readiness for creative self-expression of future musical and pedagogical workers in universities of China on the basis of a holistic pedagogical analysis by means of pop music for the implementation of the mentioned experience of the higher musical and pedagogical school in universities of Ukraine.
The object of the study is the process of formation of readiness for creative self-expression of future music and pedagogical workers in institutions of higher education.
The subject of the study is the theoretical ideas and experience of forming the readiness for creative self-expression of future musical and pedagogical workers in universities of China by means of pop music.
The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the research results are that for the first-time theoretical ideas have been systematized and the experience of formation of readiness for creative self-expression of future music-pedagogical
workers in universities of China has been summarized. A comprehensive study of
the problem of formation of readiness for creative self-expression of future musical
and pedagogical workers in institutions of higher education in China by means of
pop music was conducted from the standpoint of acmeological, competence-based,
and resource-based scientific approaches.
On the basis of the analysis of Chinese and Ukrainian scientific and
pedagogical literature, the concept of "readiness for creative self-expression of
future musical and pedagogical workers" is defined as an integrated personal and
professional formation, which is characterized by constant self-improvement and
self-development by means of musical art, assimilation of the basics of pedagogical
skill, mastery of deep and strong psychological -pedagogical and professional
knowledge and skills in the educational process, identifying resource potential forces
for prejudice and overcoming obstacles of an objective and subjective nature.
In Chinese literature, self-expression is understood as creative thinking and
the realization of innovative abilities of music-pedagogical workers. Chinese
scientists (Wu Ning, Li Jinyu, Lu Xuzhou, Wu Xiaoyun and others) connect the
issue of formation of readiness for creative self-expression of music-pedagogical workers with the disclosure of the specifics of preparation for innovative activities
in the music field.
The scientific work characterizes the motivational-evaluative, cognitivecreative, reflective-corrective components of the readiness of future musicpedagogical workers for creative self-expression in the educational process in
universities of China.
The criteria with corresponding indicators, such as: motivational, cognitive,
procedural, reflexive levels of readiness for creative self-expression of musicpedagogical workers (high, medium, low) have been identified.
In the process of formation and development of Chinese pop music, changes,
transformations, ups and downs took place. Thanks to the creative self-expression
of singers and musicians by means of pop music, the popularity of works of musical
art grew, the aesthetic taste of young people was cultivated, Chinese culture and its
artistic component were formed.
The means of pop art of China are characterized, which include: means of
musical expressiveness; means of vocal skill, including pop vocal skills and skills,
specific vocal techniques of pop technique; directly means of pop music; means of
pedagogical skill.