Pivnov Y. Forensic Expert support for investigation of criminal offenses in the field of road infrastructure

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 081 - Право


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 7300

National Scientific Center "Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius Forensic Science Institute" of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine


PhD thesis by the specialty 081 "Law" (Field of Study 08 Law). – National Scientific Center "Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius Forensic Science Institute" of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. – Kharkiv, 2024. The dissertation carries out a multidisciplinary research on theoretical, legal and methodological issues of forensic science support for investigation of crimes in the field of road infrastructure. Scientific analysis of development of forensic expert researches on road infrastructure objects was carried out: the current state and changes in research subject depending on the actual tasks of forensic science support to justice were investigated. Changes in the vectors of actual tasks that appear before forensic experts during full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine create the need for their urgent solution. It has been proven that if before the war the determinants of the illegal use of budget funds in the field of road management were most often cited as shortcomings of State policy, late reforms of decentralization of management, outdated and ineffective measures of financial control over the legality of the use of budget funds, etc., then at the current stage, judicial experts face new tasks: determine the amount of damage caused by the destruction of road infrastructure as a result of artillery shelling, aerial bombardment and missile strikes on road infrastructure objects of Ukraine; find out the volume, quality and cost of the actually performed works on the capital repair of damaged (destroyed) road infrastructure objects; to determine the difference between the scope and cost of works according to the acts of completed works and the actual scope and cost of performed works to eliminate situations that arose as a result of unforeseen destruction of highways and engineering structures; to determine compliance with current norms and standards of physical and mechanical indicators of asphalt concrete pavement; to establish the causes of damage and destruction of road infrastructure objects, etc. Scientific point of view of those scientists was supported, they motivate researchers to develop new theoretical and methodological provisions in this field of forensic expert activity based on the analysis of expert practice and encourage further discussion of the issues of applying specific expertise in criminal proceedings in general and during the investigation and trial of crimes in the field of road infrastructure in particular. It is stated that there is a lack of thorough research on improving effectiveness of specific expertise use while investigating criminal offenses related to repair and construction of road infrastructure facilities, as well as on the issue that has arisen at the present time as a result of the actions of the Russian aggressor related to the damage and destruction of road infrastructure facilities and reconstruction of roads determining relevance of the chosen topic of this work, directing scientific research. In connection with the above, the task is set: to develop and scientifically substantiate directions of research in the aspect of specific expertise application while investigating criminal offenses in the field of road infrastructure, formulate appropriate proposals.

Research papers

1. Іванович А., Сімакова-Єфремян Е. Б., Півньов Є. О. Наукова діяльність у галузі судової експертизи – основа методології судово-експертних досліджень в умовах воєнного стану. Теорія та практика судової експертизи і криміналістики. 2023. Вип. 3 (32). С. 10–33. DOI: 10.32353/ khrife.3.2023.02 https://khrife-journal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/570/650

2. Півньов Є. О. Судово-експертне дорожньо-технічне дослідження: стан і зміни відповідно до нових завдань експертного забезпечення правосуддя. Теорія та практика судової експертизи і криміналістики. 2023. Вип. 4 (33). С. 178–190. DOI: 10.32353/khrife.4.2023.12 https://khrife-journal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/590/670

3. Півньов Є. О. Анкетування як метод наукового пізнання та його вплив на формування методології судово-експертних дорожньо-технічних досліджень. Теорія та практика судової експертизи і криміналістики. 2024. Вип. 1 (34). С. 187–208. DOI: 10.32353/khrife.1.2024.11 https://khrife-journal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/601/693

4. Півньов Є. О. Методичні підходи до визначення шкоди та збитків від пошкодження дорожньої інфраструктури України внаслідок збройної агресії рф. Теорія та практика судової експертизи і криміналістики. 2024. Вип. 2 (35). С. 110–126. DOI:10.32353/khrife.2.2024.08 https://khrife-journal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/619/730

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