Kruglov K. Social capital as a factor of subjective well-being of enterprise workers with different group status

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 053 - Психологія


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 308

Kherson State University


Dissertation is dedicated to the problem of social capital as a factor of subjective well-being of enterprise workers with different group status. The typology of subjective well-being of employees depending on the involvement of social capital resources (professional, social, personal, emotional, economic) has been defined. Professional well-being is determined in groups of employees with different group status by resources of individual social capital, a high level of evaluation of the professional environment of the organization as productive and successful. Professional well-being is determined by a positive identification with the organization, the compliance of individual values with organizational ones. In the managers’ group of the organization professional well-being is related to the individual’s characteristics of psychological well-being, which indicate purposefulness, autonomy in business and career determination, competitiveness, and the characteristics of subjective social well-being, which determine mostly positive attitude towards surrounding people and belief in their capabilities. Social well-being is defined by the use of resources of social institutions, the assessment of the professional environment as a partnership one, coherent and friendly. In the managers’ group it is associated with trust, which is based on knowledge of the partners’ capabilities and abilities; in the group of employees with low group status trust is based on awareness of community of life principles and values. Important for the managers’ social well-being is social visibility, the desire to succeed, to be recognized in the team; employees’ social well-being is explained by the coherence of individual and organizational values, clearness of professional and life goals, possibilities to manage professional fulfillment. Emotional well-being is determined by the use of the emotional resource of individual social capital, the characteristics of the professional environment as a friendly, supportive, partnership and interested; a type of trust that is based on positive emotional relationships with colleagues. Personal well-being in the managers’ group is supported by the desire to receive positive feedback from significant people, consistency between the level of needs and the level of income. Employees with low group status relate personal well-being to awareness of the ability to provide for themselves and their families, based on professional competence. Economic well-being is determined by the absence of economic anxiety and financial deprivation, but in the managers’ group it relies on the involvement of possibilities of social institutes and the international resources and in the group of “performers” it is provided by matching their needs and income levels.

Research papers

Круглов К. О. Довіра як чинник соціально-психологічного клімату виробничого колективу. Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія: Психологічні науки. 2020. Вип. 1. С. 139–145.

Круглов К. О., Блискун О. О. Особливості суб’єктивного соціального благополуччя молодих співробітників в організації. Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія: Психологічні науки. 2020. Вип. 4. С.100-107.

Blynova, O. Ye., & Kruhlov, K. O. Subjective social well-being mployees with different socioeconomic statuses. Insight: the psychological dimensions of society, 2021. Issue 6, Рр. 57–71.

Круглов К. О. Психологічне аналізування структури соціального капіталу організації та особистості. Психологічні ресурси в умовах життєвої та суспільної кризи: соціальний та особистісний виміри / Колект. моногр. / наук. ред. О.Є. Блинова, відпов. ред. В.Ф. Казібекова. Херсон : Вид-во ФОП Вишемирський В. С., 2021. С. 90–108

Blynova, O., Kruglov, K., Semenov, O., Los, O. & Popovych, I. (2020). Psychological Safety of the Learning Environment in Sports School as a Factor of Achievement Motivation Development in Young Athletes, Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2020. 20(1), 14-23. DOI:10.7752/jpes.2020.01002


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