Kalenchuk V. Socio-psychological factors in the development of conceptions of teachers’ and students’ conceptions of the organizational culture of a higher institution education

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 053 - Психологія


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 5936

Kherson State University


The dissertation is studying the social and psychologicalfactors in the development of teachers' and students' conceptions about organizational culture of higher institution education. In the introduction of the dissertation is substantiated the theme and formulated the goal and task of the research. It was determined that the object of the study is the organizational culture of the university as a sociala psychological phenomenon. The subject of research is social and psychological factors of development of teachers' and students' conceptions about organizational culture of higher education institution. Scientific novelty is outlined: theoretically and empirically substantiated the productivity of the application of the cultural approach in the field of education, in particular, in institutions of higher education, to analyze the main relationships subjects of the educational process (teachers and students); developed and the structural-functional model of the development of concents is operationalized teachers and students about the organizational culture of a higher education institution, socio-psychological factors in the development of ideas about organizational culture is represented by components: image (cognitive, emotional evaluative and behavioral elements), value-normative (organizational identity; consistency of personal and organizational values;awareness of the meaning of 10 activities in a higher education institution; vision of prospects professional growth in a higher education institution), social and personal (assessment of the quality and level of relationships within the organization; social status in the organization and satisfaction with career advancement opportunities; the possibility of realizing the need for self-development). The practical significance of the research results was submitted which consists in because its main provisions and conclusions can become the basis for development of specific recommendations that will be applied in practice psychology of education to optimize interpersonal relations of the main subjects of the educational process; to form an optimal model organizational culture; for the development of organization development programs; for improvement of university management processes, as well as in for diagnostic, corrective, developmental purposes. Received further development of the idea of organizational culture of the university of the main subjects of the educational process (teachers and students). The theoretical significance of the research results lies in the application methodology of a systemic approach to the study of organizational development university culture; determining the development of ideas of various subjects of the educational process about the organizational culture of the university. We see prospects for further research in the development of applied ones programs for teachers and students on the formation of a positive constructive organizational culture of a higher education institution.

Research papers

Каленчук В.О., Блинова О.Є. Особистісні чинники психологічної безпеки студентів закладів вищої освіти. Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія: Психологічні науки. Херсон: Гельветика, 2018. Вип. 5. С.154–160.

Блинова О.Є., Каленчук В.О. Вплив організаційної ідентичності на оцінювання викладачами корпоративної культури університету. Психологія: реальність і перспективи. Збірник наукових праць Рівненського державного гуманітарного університету. 2022. №18. С.18–26.

Каленчук В. О. Соціальний статус студента як чинник оцінки організаційної культури університету. Інсайт: психологічні виміри суспільства : наук. журн. / ред. кол. І. С. Попович, С. І. Бабатіна, І. Р. Крупник та ін. Херсон: Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2019. Вип. 2. С. 72–77.

Каленчук В. О., Федчук О. В., Михайлюк В. П. Взаємозв’язок між корпоративною культурою і психологічною безпекою тренувальноосвітнього простору юних спортсменок. Інсайт: психологічні виміри суспільства. 2023. № 9. С. 113–129. https://doi.org/10.32999/2663- 970X/2023-9-7

Blynova O., Lappo V., Kalenchuk V., Agarkov O., Shramko I., Lymarenko L., Popovych I. Corporate culture of a higher education institution as a factor in forming students’ professional identity. REVISTA INCLUSIONES. Vol. 7. / Numero Especial / Julio – Septiembre 2020. pp. 481–496. WoS

Каленчук В.О. Організаційна культура університету: основні напрями наукового пошуку. Психологічні ресурси в умовах життєвої та суспільної кризи: соціальний та особистісний виміри / Колект. моногр. / наук. ред. О.Є. Блинова, відпов. ред. В.Ф. Казібекова. Херсон : Вид-во ФОП Вишемирський В. С., 2021. С. 47–65.


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