Kolomyitsev H. Psychological features of sports perfectionism of personality

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 053 - Психологія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 053.61.24

Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H.S. Skovorody


Dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 053 Psychology (field of knowledge 05 Social and behavioral sciences). – Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H. S. Skovoroda, Kharkiv, 2024. The paper presents an analysis of scientific and theoretical concepts and approaches to to the study of the problem of sports perfectionism, its psychological specificity and describes its psychological specificity, typology, predictors and psychological and pedagogical conditions for overcoming it. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the scientific work, which are as follows: for the first time - revealed the typology of sports perfectionism of the individual; - determined psychological predictors of sports perfectionism of a personality; the idea of: - sports perfectionism as an activity-specific type of perfectionism a personality characterized by high standards of sports activity, caused by the athlete's sensitivity to the expectations of significant others and influencing motivation for achievements in sports; - the athlete's personality by determining the relationship between sports perfectionism and humorous motivation, body image and optimism; - dependence of psychological features of the athlete, relevant to the success of sports activity, on the type of his/her sports activity and the type of sports perfectionism; - dysfunctional schemas and schema-modes in sportsmen-perfectionists, among which the leading modes are parental demandingness and submissive surrender are deepened and supplemented; have been further developed: - means of psychodiagnostics of personality by adapting the methodology for studying sports perfectionism; - means of cognitive-behavioral therapy in the context of psychological correction of sports perfectionism. The practical significance of the work lies in the adaptation of psychodiagnostic tools forresearch of sports perfectionism of a personality, in the development of a program of psychocorrection of sports perfectionism by means of cognitive-behavioral therapy. The result of the theoretical analysis is the definition of sports perfectionism as an activity-specifictype of personality perfectionism, which is the desire for perfection and in sports, caused by high standards of performance of sports tasks against the background of the athlete's critical attitude to himself, motivation high sports achievements and/or fear of failure in sports. As a result of standardizing the research methodology sport perfectionism (Sport Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale-2 (Sport-MPS-2), Gottwald and Dunn), a reliable and valid questionnaire that allows to determine the degree of manifestation of high personal standards of the athlete, concern about mistakes and anxiety over actions, high parental expectations, high coaching expectations and high standards oforganization of sports activities. As a result of the analysis of the typological features of sports perfectionism, five types were obtained: "Moderate sports perfectionism", "Anxious type of sports perfectionism", "Low sports perfectionism", "Parental-conditioned sport perfectionism" and "High performance sport perfectionism". According to the results of the empirical study, the following were found positive connections between sports perfectionism and self-regulation of sports activity activity, self-esteem of physical and volitional qualities relevant to successful the level of claims to one's own physical qualities, optimal experiences in sports. As a result of the analysis of personal characteristics of athletes with different types of sports perfectionism, it was shown that perfectionism directed to oneself, to others and socially dictated perfectionism, Hubristic striving for perfection to the greatest extent characterize athletes with the "parentally conditioned type of sports perfectionism". In general, the highest indicators of the Hubristic striving for superiority were found in individuals of type of "Anxious type of sports perfectionism" and in people engaged in fitness, the type of "Parental-conditioned perfectionism". The highest rates of of optimism are characteristic of athletes of the "Moderate sport perfectionism" type, especially when practicing martial arts. Indicators of psychosomatic competence are higher in representatives of the type "low sports perfectionism" type, especially when practicing martial arts and fitness. Bodily internalization is generally inherent in athletes with typological profiles, formed by high levels of sport perfectionism. Indicators of of self-esteem of appearance are the lowest in athletes of the type "Parental sports perfectionism" and "High performance sports perfectionism".

Research papers

Вдовіченко О., Коломийцев Г., Поденко А. Спортивний перфекціонізм: концептуалізація феномену. Вісник ХНПУ імені Г.С. Сковороди. Психологія, 64, 2021. С. 44-61.

Лукова С., Коломийцев Г. Саморегуляція спортивної діяльності підлітків Вісник ХНПУ імені Г. С. Сковороди. Психологія, Вип. 65, 2021. С. 154-169.

Lukova S.V., Zhyvotovska L.V., Kolomiytsev H.A., Fomenko K. I., Beseda N.A. Empirical research on the features of psychoemotional states of adolescent athletes during quarantine restrictions. Wiadomsci Lekarskie, 75(5 p2), 2022, p. 1347-1351.

Діомідова Н., Коломийцев Г., Суслова Н. Селфі-залежність, перфекціонізм та мотивація фізичної активності: психологічні кореляти та вікові особливості. Вісник ХНПУ імені Г.С. Сковороди. «Психологія». Вип. 66, Х.: ХНПУ, 2023. С. 38-52.


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