Hromova H. Tolerance of uncertainty as a factor of a personal traumatic experience transformation

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 053 - Психологія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 02 Громова_191

Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine


This thesis presents the results of theoretical and empirical research on tolerance of uncertainty and its role in the post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) transformation after traumatic events of adulthood and childhood. The relevance of the study is conditioned by the constant increase of the world’s level of complexity and unpredictability and also by a fuller understanding of the significance and severity of the traumatic events and consequences for a person’s life with the need to study factors that support the post-traumatic stress symptoms development or reduce the likelihood of its occurrence. The study of the thesis was performed within the research project topic of the Laboratory of Social Psychology of Personality in the Institute for Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine “Socio-psychological assistance of military operations’ victims during the transition to peaceful life conditions.” State registration number of the topic No 0119U000141. The object of this study is tolerance of uncertainty as a personality feature. The research subject is the tolerance of uncertainty peculiarities in persons with the traumatic experience. Analysis of various approaches to the phenomenon of uncertainty allows us to consider uncertainty from three perspectives: 1) as an unrecognizable characteristic of the objective world that exists separately from a human; 2) as a limited ability of a human to know the external world; 3) as a contradictory, incomplete awareness of a human's inner world, the causes of their actions and deeds. For the first time: - the tolerance of uncertainty potential as a factor in transforming post- traumatic stress symptoms in persons with a traumatic experience is described. The potential is realized both in the form of a direct impact on the consequences of traumatization and through the mediating role of TU in the dynamics of post- traumatic states. The tolerance of uncertainty emotional-behavioral component turned out to be a more significant factor for changes in PTSS; - it has been proven that traumatic life events, the level of tolerance of uncertainty, and deviation from a balanced time profile make a significant contribution to the development of PTSS and explain almost 46% of the variation of PTSS; - the tolerance of uncertainty mediating role has been proven. Tolerance of uncertainty acts as a mediator between the traumatic experience of childhood and the manifestations of post-traumatic conditions in adulthood; - it was determined that the presence of adverse childhood experiences is associated with an increase in the level of Inhibitory Anxiety. Traumatic events experienced during life do not have such an effect: subgroups of respondents with different numbers of traumatic life events do not differ in terms of TU level; - it has been confirmed that people with lower tolerance of uncertainty level (high level of IU) have a greater deviation from the balanced Time Perspective Profile: uncertainty intolerant respondents have more negative attitudes towards the past and more fatalistic views about the present; - it has been established that in normal living conditions (before the 2020- 2021 pandemic), the length of planning periods is associated with the scale of Perspective Anxiety of IU and the Future Time Perspective. In conditions of increased uncertainty, particularly during a pandemic, long-term planning is associated with a level of Inhibitory Anxiety, the Present Hedonistic and Present Fatalistic Time Perspectives. There are clarified: - the idea of tolerance of uncertainty as an individual feature to perceive unpredictability, ambiguity, and the complexity of the world neutrally or positively and maintain the ability to respond to it proactively; - features and effectiveness of using integrated indicators of attitude to time – coefficients of deviation from a balanced and negative Time Perspective Profile; - differences in the role of a traumatic childhood and lifelong experiences in the formation of attitudes towards uncertainty, as well as in the assessment of the past, present, and future. Theoretical findings and conclusions from empirical research can be used in the development of recommendations for practical psychologists, psychotherapists, and social workers who work with people with traumatic experiences. N. Carleton's Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale – Short Form (IUS-12) Ukrainian translation and adaptation will measure the tolerance of uncertainty level in its emotional-behavioral and cognitive dimensions and will be helpful in the work of psychologists, career counselors, and HR managers. The obtained results will help develop and teach courses in Psychology of Personality, Psychological Counseling, Trauma Therapy, and Management Psychology.

Research papers

Громова, Г. М. (2020). Методики дослідження зв’язків інтолерантності до невизначеності з наслідками травматичного Інституту соціальної та політичної психології Національної академії педагогічних наук України, м. Київ, життєвого досвіду. Наукові студії із соціальної та політичної психології, 45(48), 88–99.

Громова, Г. М. (2020). Інтолерантність до невизначеності у ветеранів з важкими пораненнями: порівняльний аналіз. Інсайт: психологічні виміри суспільства, 4, 29–41. – 970X/2020 – 4 – 2

Громова, Г.М. (2021). Інструменти вимірювання толерантності до невизначеності. Адаптація тесту «Шкала інтолерантності до невизначеносі» Н. Карлетона. Наукові студії із соціальної та політичної психології, 47(50), 115–130.

Hromova, H. (2021). Intolerance of Uncertainty and Time Perspective Profile as Mediators of Post–Traumatic Stress Symptoms. Veda a Perspektivi, 6(6), 178–185. 178-185

Hromova, H. (2022). Interrelation between intolerance of uncertainty and the time perspective profile in the military. Current Issues in Personality Psychology.

Hromova, H. (2022). Intolerance of Uncertainty – Related Aspects of Planning for the Future During the Pandemic. Journal of Education Сulture and Society, 13(1), 257–269.

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