Han Z. Pedagogical Self-Identification of Future Teachers of Sports in China

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 015 - Професійна освіта (за спеціалізаціями)


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 161

Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H.S. Skovorody


The dissertation "Pedagogical Self-Identification of Future Teachers of Sports in China" scientifically substantiates theoretical foundations and experience of formation on the specified pedagogical problem, highlights approaches to the formation of pedagogical self-identification of future teachers of physical education in Ukraine and identifies ways to creatively use Ukrainian experience in Chinese educational system. In particular, the essence of such key concepts for research as identity, identification, self-identification, professional selfidentification, pedagogical self-identification, competence, and competency is revealed, main elements of professional self-identification are presented; the system of training of future teachers of sports disciplines is analyzed and the role and place of psychological and pedagogical disciplines in the educational process of higher education is determined; the experience of forming pedagogical selfidentification is generalized both during classes in Pedagogy, Psychology and other academic disciplines, and pedagogical practice. Based on the analysis of pedagogical literature, approaches to the definition of the essence of professional and pedagogical self-identification of future professionals are highlighted, main elements of professional self-identification (status and roles offered by society; social groups and institutions within which professional self-identification is carried out; values, social norms, knowledge, and skills necessary for the formation and maintenance of professional status, social technologies for the reproduction and transmission of norms, values and cultural patterns of the profession to other people) are presented; main stages of professional self-identification (knowledge of the profession and model of the ideal professional; motivation to perform professional activities; study the features of professional activity) are given, factors of professional self-identification (family and family traditions; school and extracurricular education; socio-cultural context; professional education; economic and political and context) are identified. It is established that the structure of professional ideas, which can act as psychological mechanisms of forming the image of the profession, is closely connected to pedagogical self-identification. In particular, communicative and professional competence and the value-motivational component of professional activity are specified. Approaches to the definition of such important for research concepts as "competence" and "competency" are analyzed. Competences, the acquisition of which is a necessary element of teacher formation (personal, methodical, professional, social, communicative, multicultural, informational, psychological, psychological-pedagogical ones) are generalized. It is found that in China there is a need to form pedagogical selfidentification of future teachers of sports, as there are some students who during their studies in pedagogical institutions associate themselves more with sportsmen than teachers, which can negatively affect the organization of the educational process. In order to better understand the approaches to the formation of future teachers of sports in general and pedagogical self-identification in particular, the training system that exists in higher education institutions in China is analyzed. It is established that the training of relevant specialists can take place both on the basis of universities of physical education and on the basis of the faculties of physical education of pedagogical universities of the country. During education, both sports training of students and the study of disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle are in the focus of attention. It is established that the formation of pedagogical self-identification occurs during the study of such disciplines as Pedagogy, Psychology and partly Foreign Language. The content of programs in these disciplines is analyzed and topics that contribute to the formation of pedagogical self-identification of future teachers of sports are identified: "Pedagogical skills of teachers as a theoretical problem of Pedagogy", "Structure of pedagogical skills of physical education teachers", "Pedagogical skills", etc. Approaches to the study of these topics are highlighted. It is established that further formation of pedagogical self-identification of future teachers of sports occurs during pedagogical practice. It is found that during this type of educational activity, students should develop professional, practical and methodological knowledge. Main tasks of pedagogical practice (formation and development of professional knowledge, skills and abilities; development of need for pedagogical self-education and constant self-education; ;

Research papers

Хань Ч. Система підготовки вчителів спортивних дисциплін в КНР. Theoretical foundations of pedagogy and education: collective monograph / Hritchenko T., Loiuk O.,…Han Zh. etc. International Science Group. Boston: Primedia eLaunch, 2021. 640-651.

Kalashnyk N., Marakushin A., Han Zh., Wu Y., Shevchenko N. The Chinese concept of talentness in the idea of National Paralympic movement. Society. Integration. Education. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference May 22nd, 2020. 232-242.

Yesman I., Hang Ch., Kalashnyk L., Shyshenko V., Nebytova I. Modern approaches to pedagogical work with gifted children in primary education: the experience of modern People`s Republic of China. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. 2022. 12/01-XXV. 148-153.

Хань Ч. Підготовка вчителів спортивних дисциплін в КНР: складові системи. Наукова скарбниця освіти Донеччини. 2018. 2. 123-126

Калашник Н., Хань Ч. Соціальна практика як засіб формування смаку до педагогічної діяльності вчителя спортивних дисциплін (досвід КНР). Вісник Національного університету «Чернігівський колегіум» імені Т.Г.Шевченка. Вип. 1 (157) / Нац. ун-т «Черн. колегіум» ім. Т. Г. Шевченка ; голов. ред. М. О. Носко. Чернігів : НУЧК, 2019. 67–71.


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