Dai Z. Professional training of future animation designers in higher education institutions of the PRC

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 015 - Професійна освіта (за спеціалізаціями)


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 0151222

Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H.S. Skovorody


Dissertation work “Professional Training of Future Animation Designers in Higher Educational Institutions of China” theoretically substantiates the pedagogical foundations, content and organization of future specialists’ professional training in animation design in China. It is noted that today’s digital world challenges the training of future animation designers, creating scenarios that combine the methodological developments of the past century with the latest design technologies. With the advent of computer technology there has been a real revolution in animation proper and animation teaching methods. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the study. Analysis of the current state of teaching design animation in China’s higher education institutions and finding out the real conditions for the development of future designers’ professional training of this profile shows the need for modernization of design education, which are caused by the requirements of its final result, namely the formation of a harmonious, versatile personality, which includes professional knowledge, abilities, skills and their permanent updating. It is the basis of self-realization in the artistic, spiritual and cultural sphere of society. The introduction of numerous design methods, visual capabilities of modern information technologies, specialized applied design programs, the creation of trendy image projects in the professional training of future animation designers makes it possible: to solve problems associated with the analysis and study of design activity, to improve the artistic and technical skills, to ensure designer’s high professional and creative level. Analysis of a comprehensive study of the problem in question has made it possible to determine the background and origins of the artistic imagery of the Chinese animation school, the ways of its development and prove the uniqueness of animation design as a phenomenon of artistic culture and the type of professional activity. In the course of the study, the terminological apparatus of animation design and related terms, which are key to our study, was clarified; there was provided a scientific rationale for animation as an independent form of design; there were identified its types and classification. The features of professional training of future designers of animation, including a combination of artistic and design components and characterized by the development of special professional and creative abilities (knowledge of modern IT technologies, design culture, the presence of creativity as an integral quality that combines motives, creative abilities. mental processes); fine and technical skills in animation design and IT technologies, creating conditions for the inclusion of emotional intelligence. The essence characteristics of future animation designers’ professional training, a conscious practice-oriented creative process, which includes mastering the sum of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills, in-depth familiarization with innovative animation technologies as art, the formation of personal professional qualities are specified. The functional readiness of future animation designers as the purpose and result of professional training, which provides the formation of relevant competencies of future animation designers, is theoretically substantiaed. It is noted that functional readiness is a synthesis of interconnected structural components, combining different artistic forms with the inclusion of imaginative thinking, traditional and experimental techniques, and technologies (use of sound, light, visual and digital images, etc.) in the animation work. Functional readiness for the implementation of professional activity of the future animation designer is characterized by emotional stability, awareness of the value of the knowledge, abilities, skills obtained in the process of professional training in an educational institution, as well as the experience of their application in practice; professional thinking, contributing to the development of a new competitive animation product in the field of contemporary art; analysis of their activities. Organizational and pedagogical conditions of professional training formation for the future professional activity of animation designers are defined. The possibilities of using modern learning technologies (design, heuristic, motivational, individual, and practice-oriented (contextual learning method, case study, simulation of professional activity, etc.), in the process of using modern technical resources and digital applications, making it possible to modernize the creative approaches to organized pedagogical actions.

Research papers

Panyok Tatyana, Dai Zhen, Ju Dongting. (2022). Project activities in the professional training of future designers (based on China’s educational experience). Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, Vol. 21, (1). С. 23-42.

Dai Zhen. Features of professional training of multimedia design specialists in higher education institutions of the people’s republic of Сhina. European humanities studies: State and Society. 2019. Vol. 2. Рр. 4–15.

Дай Чжен. Аналіз сутності професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців анімаційного дизайну. Вісник університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія. 2020. № 2 (20). С. 294-302.

Дай Чжен, Цзю Дутін. Нові підходи до професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців з дизайну (освітня траєкторія КНР). Молодь і ринок. 2022. № 7-8 (205-206). С. 163-168.

Лі Пенг, Дай Чжен. Дослідження створення мультиплікаційних образів з китайською символікою. Талант і розум. 2020. 13. C. 204.


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