The dissertation examines the problem of forming the readiness of future speech therapists for the correction of sensorimotor development in their professional activities, offers suggestions for the effective solution of this problem, which involves implementation in the educational process of higher educational institutions structural and functional model of the phenomenon under study. The dissertation includes a theoretical analysis of the literature and normative documents regulating the training of future speech therapists, and also includes the results of conducted empirical research. In the course of the work, the main trends and gaps in the system of education of future specialists were revealed, focusing attention on the need to increase the practical orientation of education. Emphasis is placed on the importance of a comprehensive approach to education, which ensures the integration of theoretical knowledge with practical skills in the field of correction of sensorimotor development. Based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources, as well as the results of a survey of speech therapists, a set of basic terms was defined that reveal the scientific thesaurus of research on the formation of the readiness of future speech therapists to correct sensorimotor development in professional activity: "professional activity", "sensorimotor development", "speech therapist", "readiness of future speech therapists for correction of sensorimotor development in professional activity", which reveal the essence of the dissertation research. By "professional training" we understand the comprehensive process of acquiring knowledge, abilities, skills, forming professional and personal qualities necessary for effective work in the chosen field. The concept of "sensorimotor development" in the context of the study of the theory of sensory integration and its use in the corrective developmental work of persons with various developmental characteristics, in particular with speech disorders, can be defined as a process in which a key role is played by the individual's ability to organize, integrate and effectively use sensory information received from one's own body and the environment, which is the basis for the development of motor skills, concentration of attention, the formation of speech abilities and the overall effectiveness of communication. "Readiness of future speech therapists for the correction of sensorimotor development in professional activity" is considered as the result and goal of professional training in a higher education institution, which contains the methodology of using the correction of sensorimotor development of persons with speech disorders according to the individual condition development of speech, sensorimotor and communicative spheres, provides an opportunity to organize and carry out diagnostic and corrective and developmental work with persons with speech disorders in order to effectively overcome (or improve) them, and also provides for the formation of moral, motivational and willpower qualities. The readiness of future speech therapists to correct sensorimotor development is an integral part of their professional training. During the research work, special attention was paid to the analysis of the structure of readiness of future speech therapists to correct sensorimotor development in professional activities. It has been established that this readiness is multi-component and contains a number of interrelated elements. The main components of readiness have been identified, among which the motivational and value component reflects the personal motives, values and interests of the future speech therapist in professional activity. The cognitive component denotes the knowledge and ideas of the future speech therapist about the features of sensorimotor development correction. The activity-practical component covers practical skills and abilities that are necessary for effective speech correction and sensorimotor development. The professional-communicative component refers to the speech therapist's ability to effectively interact with speech-impaired persons, their family members, and other specialists. The evaluative and reflective component reflects the applicant's ability to introspect, self-assess and correct their professional activities. To assess readiness, a system of criteria was developed, including motivational, cognitive, operational, personal and reflective criteria, each of which allows to assess a certain aspect of the readiness of the future speech therapist. Based on these criteria, four levels of preparedness are defined: constructive (high) level, which is characterized by a deep understanding and a high level of mastery of all aspects of correction; productive (sufficient) level, characterized by sufficient training; reproductive (average) level showing basic knowledge and skills; and a receptive (insufficient) level, which indicates low training…