Ju D. Professional training of future specialists in graphic design in higher education institutions in the PRC

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 015 - Професійна освіта (за спеціалізаціями)


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 0151322

Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H.S. Skovorody


Dissertation work is a theoretical and pedagogical study of the problem of professional training of future graphic design specialists in institutions of higher education in the PRC. The specified problem is actualized by a number of contradictions between: - the need of the state in specialists with a high level of design culture and the imperfection of professional training of the corresponding specialists in the system of design education, contradictory approaches to the teaching of graphic design in the PRC: - the need for development of the design education system and insufficient development of the structure, content and organizational and pedagogical support of design specialists’ professional training; - the traditional system of future specialists’ professional training in graphic design in the People’s Republic of China, which is due to classical approaches towards education, and the need to apply modern pedagogical achievements, providing implementation of integrative links between academic disciplines (orienting the whole learning process to objective creative determination) aimed at promoting the design culture of future specialists in graphic design, readiness to organize project activities; - the need of the Ukrainian scientific community in obtaining knowledge about the content, technologies, and methods of graphic-designers’ training in China’s higher education institutions and the lack of reliable information sources accessibility. The revealed contradictions and the need to address them motivate the relevance of the study, the problem of which consists in striking a balance between traditions and innovations in the professional training of future specialists in graphic design in China, the balance between understanding the basics of Western and Eastern pedagogy The following criteria of future specialists’ professional competence in graphic design in the process of artistic and design activity have been identified: the cognitive criterion (formation of professional knowledge required for graphic design development), the motivational and value-based criterion (intrinsic motivation for professional activity, understanding of the acquired knowledge value in society’s aesthetic development), the activity criterion (artistic and design skills, ability to engineering design, etc.), the reflective and evaluative criterion (ability to analyze, control and adequately assess one’s own potential, possess skills of self-reflection, selfimprovement), the social criterion (to show readiness to cooperate professionally, to master perfectly business and interpersonal communication, etc.), the personality criterion (striving for professional growth, formation of analytical thinking, creativity, responsibility). The selected criteria make it possible not only to gain information about the effectiveness of the proposed forms and methods of training for professional activity, but also to clearly analyze the dynamics of skill development, assess the level of professional experience formation at each stage of graphic designers’ training. The experience in future graphic designers’ professional training in higher educational institutions of China is summarized. The directions of implementing the Chinese ideas on professional training of future graphic design specialists on the example of application of the author’s integrated course “Fundamentals of Creativity in Graphic design,” which combines the Chinese stylistics with the European one, including Ukrainian design traditions, were determined. Scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the dissertation work consists in the fact that for the first time a holistic study of the problem of professional training of future graphic design specialists in China’s higher education institutions is conducted; the terminological field of research (“design”, “graphic design”, “professional competence”, etc.) is specified; the approaches to defining the essence of key research concepts are revealed; it is established that the term “design” is new for the Chinese educational system and synonymous to the phrase “artistic design” and associated with the language peculiarities; “graphic design” is a separate field of artisticand design activities, which is based on the creation of visual messages distributed through mass communication and as the visual language of the information society of the 21st century is comprehended in the study from the perspective of visual and design activities.

Research papers

Panyok Tatyana, Dai Zhen, Ju Dongting. Project activities in the professional training of future designers (based on China’s educational experience). Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, Vol. 21, (1). С. 23-42.

Ju Dongting. The role of the creative-competent approach in the process of training of future graphic design specialists. European humanities studies: State and Society. 2, 2019. С. 72–83.

Цзю Дутін. Педагогічні аспекти підготовки професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців з графічного дизайну. Вісник університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія. 2020. № 2 (20). С. 188-195.

Цзю Дутін, Дай Чжен. Нові підходи до професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців з дизайну (освітня траєкторія КНР). Молодь і ринок. 2022. № 7-8 (205-206). С. 163-168.

Цзю Дутін. Фахова компетентність як головний чинник підготовки майбутніх фахівців з графічного дизайну. Professional Art Education Scientific Journal. 2021. № 2 (1) С. 20–27.


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