Heiko L. Management of the implementation of the policy of healthy nutrition for children of early school age at the level of an educational institution of Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 073 - Менеджмент


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 4621

National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy


This dissertation provides the findings on the implementation management of healthy nutrition policy for early school-age children at the level of educational institutions in Ukraine. The fundamental premise of this research is that, regardless of how accurate policy guidelines may be in terms of international evidence and standards, a healthy nutrition policy will not achieve expected results unless it is implemented at the level of educational institutions. Therefore, the aim of our dissertation research was to scientifically justify effective management mechanisms that would ensure the sustainability of this policy in conditions of transitions and socio-economic uncertainty in educational institutions in Ukraine. To achieve the specified goal, international experiences in implementing policies for healthy nutrition for the childreb were systematically and critically analyzed. The policy of healthy nutrition in Ukraine in terms of compliance with international standards was examined. Additionally, stakeholder analysis of healthy nutrition policy for early school-age children was performed to identify barriers and facilitators for policy implementation. Scientifically evident recommendations to enhance the mechanisms of management for implementing the policy in educational institutions in Ukraine were proposed. The object of the study was the policy of healthy nutrition for early school-age children in Ukraine, and its subject was the management of implementing the policy in educational institutions in Ukraine. Numerous studies emphasize the importance of introducing healthy nutrition at early stages of life, as reflected in the policies of many countries worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) asserts that promoting health in educational institutions, where students spend a significant amount of their lives, is an ideal environment for effective intervention. Aspects of implementing policies for healthy nutrition for early school-age children in relevant countries were analyzed, complemented by the «health over the life cycle» approach and statistical data on life expectancy, obesity prevalence, and overweight among children. It was found that the best policies take into account traditions, social, and economic factors of a specific country while considering international standards for healthy nutrition. Since management and communication are closely related in the organizational context, we conducted a quantitative analysis of messages received through official media channels regarding healthy nutrition in Ukraine. The research results indicate that 48.9% of the analyzed units contained at least one recommendation from the WHO. Effective communication is a key management tool that ensures communication between educational institution administration, teachers, and stakeholders, contributing to the successful implementation of the policy. Therefore, special attention in the dissertation was given to stakeholder analysis and understanding their perceptions on the policy of healthy nutrition. We applied a qualitative research methodology to deepen the understanding of management aspects for implementing the policy. The results of interviews with key stakeholders revealed barriers and positive factors in implementing the policy of healthy nutrition in educational institutions. Barriers include a lack of human resources, limited fundings, resistance from the food industry, and a chaotic understanding of nutrition standards. Facilitators were identified as inclusive collaboration between stakeholders, involvement of parents of early school-age children, increasing effectiveness of nurses, the use of grant opportunities, collaboration with the food industry, and strengthening food control systems in educational institutions. The results allowed the formulation of scientifically evident recommendations to improve the mechanisms of management for implementing the policy of healthy nutrition in educational institutions in Ukraine. These recommendations include enhancing interdisciplinary collaboration, health promotion, strengthening the role of nurses and health experts, supporting transparent public procurement, optimizing management and meal provision infrastructure in educational institutions, improving financial management efficiency, promoting social responsibility of the food industry, involving families, effective communication and healthy nutrition education, and strengthening the system of safety and quality control in educational institutions. Keywords: management, policy, intersectoral management, population nutrition, qualitative research methods, quantitative methods, public health, healthcare, stakeholders, health policy, health, regulation, child nutrition, health impact, communication, educational institutions, childhood, food behavior, healthy eating.

Research papers

Гейко, Л. І., Юрочко, Т. П. Політика здорового харчування для дітей раннього шкільного віку в Україні: огляд літератури. Інвестиції: практика та досвід. 2020. № 15-16. С. 81–91.

Гейко, Л. І., Юрочко, Т. П. Контент-аналіз офіційних медіа-повідомлень щодо здорового харчування дітей в Україні в контексті рекомендацій ВООЗ. Інвестиції: практика та досвід. 2022. № 4. С. 78–86.

Heiko, L., Yurochko, T.. Mothers' perceptions of the healthy diet for children in Ukraine. Health Economics and Management Review. 2023. № 3, P. 22-33.

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