Object of research: the calves of black and white breed, 1-3 mounth of age, white rats of "Wistar" line. Purpose of investigation: to substantiate experimentally the effectivity of mineral and vitamine drugs tetravite and insolvite for treatment and prevention of A-and D-hypovitaminosis in calves of 1-3 mounth of age. Methods: clinical, morphological (red blood cells, white blood cells), biochemical (haemoglobin, serum protein, immunoglobulins, vitamine A, general, calcium, nonorganic phosphor, alcaline phosphatase activity, AST, ALT, GGT, urea, creatinine, general lipids, cholesterole, glucosa), immunological (phagocitoses, bactericicidal and lysocime blood serum activity), atom-absorbtion spectrophotomrtria (cuprum, zink, ferum), radioconcurent binding (25OHD3), hystologycal (liver, kidney, miocardium, lungs), radiographical (tibial bone). Resultats: it was estallished that carotine determination in blood serum of calves of 1-3 mounth of age do not have informational meaning for A-vitamine exchangeevolution. For carly of simultaneus A- and D-hypovitaminosis it is necessary to determine the guantiti of vitamine A in blood serum of calves of 1-3 mounth of age and alcaline phosphatase activity in calves of 1-3 mounth of age. Experimentally there was substantiated the necessity for the using of complecx vitamine-mineral drugs. There was developed the content and principally new technology for obfaining the complex vitamine-mineral concentrate (VMC) for treatment and prevention of A- and D-hypovitaminosis of calves, there was studyed the biological activity, there was experimentally substantiated the dossage and course of its application. Scientific novelty: experimentally for the first time there was established the absence of the corellation between carotine and vitamin A content in calves of 1-3 monnth of age. There was proved the polyetyology of the internal pathology in calves: A- and D-hypovitaminisis and hypoplastic anemia develop as a cofollowing pathologyes. There method is based on the using components that is related on the level of cell exchange. Using them togather facilifate their biological activity. It is offered: the diagnosis on A-hypovitaminosis has to be confirmed by blood serum retinole level. For prevention and treatment of A- and D-hypovitaminosis and haemopoesis renewing there has to be used VMC during 60 days at the dossage of 15 gr. per day. Introduction: the results of infestigation were used in methodical recomendation "Dispanserisation of calve" (chapter 9), approved by scienfisic and technical Consil oft the main Departament of Veterinary medicine with State inspection of the Ministry of agriculture and food supply in Ukraine December 19, 1996. Sphere (branch) of application - veterinary medicine.