The object of the research – social politics and practice of the Soviet state, reproduced on an example of metropolitan Kharkіv in political and economic conditions of 1919-1934. The dissertation purpose consists in research of process of social protection and care development in USSR on an example of its capital, which was Kharkov in 1919-1934. Methods: analytical, synthetic, logic; methods of internal and external critics of sources, historical-typological, comparative-historical, synchronous, diachronous, problem-chronological, method of the structural analysis, historical modeling; statistical, method of social psychology. Scientific novelty: the formation of structure of NKSZ in Kharkiv – the USSR capital was shown on the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, and also due to involving of a wide range of both published and unpublished materials, main directions of their activity during this historical period were defined too; the legislation of the corresponding period was investigated, its ideological sources, opportunities and real results of use in practice are defined; it was concluded that within 1919-1934 years in the sphere of social care the basic changes connected with changes of a nation-wide political vector took place three times; the military communism, the New Economic Policy, industrialization and collectivization recreated specific conditions for agencies of social care and the beginning of their activity has been started. Kharkiv is shown as an example of a city, how all this influenced a legislation development, permanent reorganization of NKSZ system, specific directions of work: unemployment overcoming, struggle with children’s homelessness, help to disabled people and so forth. Practical value of research: the results of research can be used by the appropriate state legislative and executive bodies in the further development of questions of social care in modern Ukraine; the materials of the dissertation can be used by preparation of lectures, special courses, study-methodical materials and textbooks on a history of Ukraine of the appropriate period.. Sphere of use: state legislative and executive bodies of authority, higher educational institutions.