Khutorianskyi M. Socio-economic and political factors of the formation of attitudes of the population of Ukraine in the 1950s – first half of the 1960s

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 07.00.01 - Історія України


Specialized Academic Board


Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav


The dissertation on gaining a scientific degree of the candidate of historical sciences on a speciality 07.00.01 – history of Ukraine (07 Historical sciences). - performed at the National scientific agricultural library of National academy of agrarian sciences of Ukrain, the defense took place at the State Higher Educational Institution «Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky Hryhoriy Skovoroda State Pedagogical University». – Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky, 2023 In the dissertation on the basis of the analysis of a wide range of sources taking into account the existing theoretical scientific developments the factors which have influenced the disposition formation of the population of Ukraine in 1950 - the first half of 1960 are analyzed. Such factors are divided into three groups: socio-economic, socio-political, and related to the influence of international relations. The study found that the escalation of contradictions between the economic policy of the government and its assessment of the population, the growth of the freedom of thought, dissatisfaction with the repressive policy of the government, distrust of it, the growth of covert and sometimes open resistance to the totalitarian regime were important factors in the de-Stalinization of the USSR. One of the expressions of the attitude of Ukrainian citizens to economic policy was the spread of theft of public property. If theft from citizens was perceived extremely negatively, then the theft of state property was seen as one of the means to improve their own material well-being. In fact, the priority of national values imposed by the authorities came into conflict with the system of values that were formed in the process of domestic communication. The most widespread anti-Soviet sentiment was due to miscalculations in the implementation of economic policy. The increase in taxes and payments in favour of the state was perceived negatively. Subscription to government loans, which was usually enforced, was in particular negative. Anti-Soviet movements were most often expressed in the distribution of leaflets or appeals of appropriate content, clashes, and disputes with the authorities. At the same time, the expansion of the range of consumer goods and basic necessities was positively perceived, which was primarily provided for the urban population. At the same time, it should not be assumed that the spread of critical sentiment among ordinary citizens has turned most of them into opponents of the current regime. Despite dissatisfaction with certain actions of the authorities, most critical thinking people talked only about the modernization of the existing system, not about its dismantling. Criticism at the highest level of the actions of individual party figures was perceived as permission to criticize the local leadership. A surge of criticism of the local party and Soviet leadership was recorded in connection with the arrest of L. Beria and criticism of the cult of personality. Critical remarks concerned specific manifestations in the work of officials. Cruel administration, the beating of subordinates, and drunkenness were most often condemned. In cases where such actions of local leaders were made regular or accompanied by cruelty to subordinates, citizens appealed to higher authorities to punish the perpetrators. In the most high-profile cases, such appeals resulted in officials being transferred to other jobs. Ukrainian society has formed a clear idea of the possibility of using the right to appeal in their own interests in order to obtain certain benefits. In this way, they settled accounts and ensured career growth. Regular appeals to higher authorities even became one of the elements of their style of life for individuals. The study found that the determining factors of international relations, which influenced the formation of the population disposition of Ukraine, were Stalin's preparations for the outbreak of World War III, as well as numerous aggravations of Soviet relations with Western countries during Khrushchev's "thaw". Various propaganda means and methods of state coercion were used to form the political sentiments of the population of the USSR favourable to the ruling elite. The victorious end of World War II had a great influence on the formation of Soviet identity. The generally accepted values of Soviet society, including work in state-owned enterprises, the priority of social work over family values, were better perceived in eastern Ukraine, and private ideology and the priority of private initiative in economic activity continued to prevail in western Ukraine. The priority of the team over individuality ensured the rebirth of the individual. Constant repression, arrests, purges have led to the devaluation of human life, in part resulting in emotional alienation. The destruction of national traditions, customs and values have caused cynicism and rising crime.

Research papers

1. Хуторянський М.В. Процес формування політичних настроїв населення України на початку 50 р.р. ХХ ст. Наука. Релігія. Суспільство. 2012. № 4. (52). С. 69–74.

2. Хуторянський М.В. Політичні настрої населення західної та східної України на початку 50-х років ХХ століття: компаративний аналіз. Наукові записки з української історії : зб. наук. пр. Переяслав-Хмельниць. держ. пед. ун-ту ім. Г. Сковороди. 2012. Вип. 28. С. 156–159.

3. Хуторянський М.В. Ставлення населення України до перспективи початку світової війни у 50-х роках ХХ ст. Гілея : зб. наук. пр. 2012. Вип. 63. (№8). С. 97–102.

4. Хуторянський М.В. Стан законності в УРСР на початку 50-х років ХХ ст. Гілея : зб. наук. пр. 2012. Вип. 64 (№9). С. 88–93.

5. Хуторянський М.В. Формування політичних настроїв населення України на початку 50-х років ХХ століття. Наукові записки Вінницького державного педагогічного університету імені Михайла Коцюбинського. Серія : Історія : Вінниця, 2013. Вип. 21. С. 161–165.

6. Хуторянський М.В. Політичні уявлення населення українських земель про міжнародні відносини (1950–1960). Міжнародні відносини: теоретико-практичні аспекти / М-во освіти і науки України, М-во культури України, Київ. нац. ун-т культури і мистецтв. Київ : Вид. центр КНУКіМ, 2020. Вип. 5. С. 205–216.

7. Khutoryansky Mykhailo. Political mood of the Ukrainian population in the cold war development conditions. Scripta Historica. Akademia Pomorska w Slupsku. № 27. 2021. s. 103–116.

8. Хуторянський М.В. Вплив ХХ з’їзду КПРС на визначення тенденцій формування політичних настроїв населення УРСР у другій половині 1950-х років. Круглий стіл з проблем історії України : мат., 13–14 жовт. 2011 р., м. Переяслав-Хмельницький / ДВНЗ «Переяслав-Хмельниць. держ. пед. ун-т імені Григорія Сковороди». Переяслав-Хмельницький, 2011. С. 135–142.

9. Хуторянський М. Карибська криза 1962 року та політичні настрої населення УРСР. Україна і світ: теоретичні та практичні аспекти діяльності у сфері міжнародних відносин : мат. Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. 8–9 верес. 2020 р., м. Київ / Київ. нац. ун-т культури і мистецтв. Київ, 2020. С. 275–279.

10. Хуторянський М.В. Динаміка політичних настроїв населення у 1950-1952 рр. Революційні потрясіння початку ХХ ст. в Європі: геополітичний, соціокультурний і антропологічний виміри : мат. IV Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. 14–15 трав. 2020 р., м. Черкаси / Київ. нац. ун-т ім. Тараса Шевченка, каф. новіт. історії України. Черкаси, 2020. С. 118–126.


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