Solodka M. The craniometric and topographic features of the maxilla and maxillary artery in adult humans.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 14.03.01 - Нормальна анатомія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.600.03


The thesis is devoted to study of craniometric and topographic features of the maxilla and maxillary artery in adult humans. Studies performed on 50 skull bone specimens taken from corpses of adults and 50 total and fragmented injectables maxillary artery. The individual anatomical variability of the maxilla in adult men and women were found. This detailed topography of the maxillary artery, its departments and branches against the anatomical structures of the maxilla. We specify the location of the projection anatomy artery respect universally craniometric points of facial department of head. Results of the study are important for maxillofacial surgery, so that complement our understanding of craniotopography of the maxilla and maxillary artery and can be used when performing surgery within the deep area of a face associated with resection of the maxilla, stop bleeding in the dressing of the maxillary artery. The proposed rational methods maxillary artery dressing, special tools, supported by patents of Ukraine for utility model.


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