The theoretical bases of the organization of the process of communicative tolerance of future teachers that consist of the provisions of the moral imperative of communication towards the principles of equality, sovereignty, respect, recognition of the rights of others and cognitive potential, are revealed in the work. The essence of the concept communicative tolerance of future foreign language teachers of primary school is defined: it is personal-integrative education -a component of general communicative competence of the person, includes compliance with laws, rules, conventions, postulates, intercultural communication, and caused by a set of individual characteristics, professional and socio-valuable qualities of a specialist that are determined by the level of its tolerance, cognitive potential, prevailing in the process of acquiring communicative and tolerant multicultural experience and bilingual interpersonal interaction and is characterized by tolerance to native speakers, its bilingual culture, linguistic consciousness, intercultural communicative competence, the ability to form a bilingual communicative tolerance in younger pupils. A structure of communicative tolerance (social, ethical, multicultural, communicative, technological, diagnostic components), the criteria and indicators of communicative tolerance of the future foreign language teachers of primary school is designed. Identified the potential of modern university humanitarian training in the formation of communicative tolerance of students, which lies in the fact that the individual disciplines have significant reserve for their complementing with the appropriate educational material and enrichment by educational-methodical achievements. Diagnostics of the initial levels of formation of communicative tolerance of future foreign language teachers of primary school on the set of criteria: motivational-lingual, cognitive, activity-communicative, creative and productive, reflective-evaluative, intellectual-empathatic, is made. To increase the level of tolerance of students is improved the teaching methodology of individual humanitarian disciplines with the use of technologies of interaction, moderation, dialogue and reflection. The pedagogical conditions of formation of communicative tolerance of future foreign language teachers of primary school are defined (convergent-metasubject organization of formation communicative tolerance of future foreign language teachers of primary school; multicultural communicative tolerant educational environment aimed at development; combining of the normative organization and innovational educational student's activities). On the basis of convergent strategy and metasubject principle is designed the model of formation of communicative tolerance of future foreign language teachers of primary school, it includes: the purpose (ensuring of formation of communicative tolerance of future foreign language teachers of primary school), methodological approaches, pedagogical conditions, laws, principles, stages of formative experiment, forms and types of work at each stage, criteria and levels of formation of communicative tolerance of future specialists. Developed and tested: diagnostic and experimental technique of formation of communicative tolerance of future foreign language teachers of primary school; educational-methodical complex of material in the disciplines of a humanitarian cycle. Phased realization of the formative experiment in accordance with the complex of pedagogical conditions is implemented. Analysis of the results of experimental work has testified that the positive dynamics was more intensive in the experimental group in comparison to the control group by all criteria and indicators. Thus, the effectiveness of the developed model and the experimental technique of formation of communicative tolerance of future foreign language teachers of primary school is confirmed.