Yaroshovets T. The aesthetic potential of the phenomenon of the sacred in the context of harmonization of the globalization processes of contemporary culture

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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  • 09.00.08 - Естетика


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.053.21


The thesis is an aesthetic study of the functioning of the category of "sacred" in culture. Aesthetic principles of formation, evolution and development of sacral practices in the cultural and historical retrospective and prospective are studied this scientific work. The integrative interpretation of the category of "sacred" as the unity of religious, ethic and aesthetic spheres of cultural production is proposed. The aesthetic aspects of sacralization and desacralization of the cultural practices are defined within the aesthetic reality. The sociopragmatic aspect of the cultural practices of sacred, cultural experience of sacralization of the culture of the Middle Ages, experience of secularizing of culture, Art Nouveau and Postmodernity as the phenomenon of aesthetic and artistic universality of an artist, the search of religious totality as certain manifestation of desacralization of culture. Sacred is defined in the context of genre-specific transformations of modern cultural practices, in the dimension of communicative ethics and ecological aesthetics. The thesis describes The principles of teriomorfizm, anthropocentrism and theocentrism as aesthetic directions of the symbiosis of the cultural practices of Postmodernity are described. The sacred ethos and eros of the art practices of Postmodernity are presented in the context of contemporary aesthetic theories.


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