Object of the research - the process of professional training of future teachers-philologists; subject of the research - pedagogical conditions of effective development of professional self-actualization of future teachers-philologists in the process of master's training; purpose of the research - given the task of socio-professional formation of the modern future teacher-philologist, to isolate and experimentally verify the pedagogical conditions of the most effective impact of various activities on the development of the professional self-actualization in the process of master's training; research methods: theoretical methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization of scientific literature on philosophy, psychology and pedagogy, construction of theoretical model; synthesis of empirical material, classification, deduction, induction, modeling; empirical: diagnostic methods (questionnaires, interviews, conversations, sociometric methods); observational methods (direct, indirect, observation included, direct and indirect); prognostic methods (expert evaluations, generalization of independent characteristics, modeling, extrapolation, scaling, ranking, etc.); experimental methods; praxymmetric methods (analysis of educational activity, professional analysis, etc.); scientific novelty of the research is that for the first time: the theoretical and methodical principles of forming the professional self-actualization of the future teacher-philologist, which is defined as an integrative personality characteristic that reflects the level of professional development of actualization due to professional self-knowledge, achievements in professional self-determination, demonstration of a professional position have been substantiated; the criteria for professional self-actualization of the future teacher-philologist, among which: professional self-motivation, professional responsibility, professional position have been defined; the indicators of the manifestation and level of development of professional self-actualization of the future teacher-philologist - "High" (actualization), "Average" (sufficient) and "Low" (oriented) have been singled out; the pedagogical conditions for involving students of philology students into different kinds of activities for effective development of professional self-actualization have been distinguished, theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified; the issues on the interrelationship of personal activity, the intensification of professional self-determination of the future teacher-philologist and the formation of positive professional self-presentation have received further development.