Zhigalkina N. Features of the attitude to the psychological health of the individual

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 19.00.01 - Загальна психологія, історія психології


Specialized Academic Board

К 41.051.07

Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University


Object of research: psychological personality health. The subject of research - the features of psychological health as a personality potential. Methods of research: systemic and structural; modeling; theoretical analysis of scientific sources for the studied issues; surveillance, psychodiagnostic examination and mathematical statistics. The method of psychodiagnostic examination included a series of psycho-diagnostic techniques aimed at the study of the main structural components of psychological health, namely: a questionnaire "Assessing the level of satisfaction with quality of life" N. E. Vodopyanova; questionnaire "Diagnostics of the Dominant Mood" by L.V.Kulikov (DS-8); Questionnaire "Self-assessment of Mental Health" G.S. Nikiforov, methods of determining the social creativity of personality AV Batarsheva; Self-assessment of the level of ontogenetic reflection M.P. Fetiskin, V.V. Kozlov and G. M. Manuilov; Questionnaire "Attitude to health" by R. A. Berezovsky. The scientific novelty of the study is that for the first time: the structure of the composite index of psychological health, which contains the levels: biological (physical health), psychological (self-assessment of psychological health), social (index of quality of life), is determined; the formula for calculating the composite index of psychological health based on its component composition is elaborated and empirically confirmed; Three-factor model of attitude to psychological health (level of awareness, level of feeling, subjective assessment of health) was developed; integrated indicators of the content of psychological health: "Integral value of values", "Tool foundation of achievements", "Personal determination of health", "The degree of influence of information flows on the idea of ​​health", "The degree of influence of external factors on health" I "," Ability to perceive physical well-being "," Regular support of physical health "," Degree of awareness of factors hindering a healthy lifestyle "," Degree of response to physical ill-health "; highlighted and filled with diagnostic content the main potentials of psychological health (potential of mind - ontogenetic reflection, potential of will - tension and self-control, potential of feelings - active-passive attitude to the life situation, cheerfulness-despondency, high and low tone, relaxation - tension, calm - anxiety, stability - instability of an emotional tone, satisfaction - dissatisfaction with life, positive - negative image of oneself, body's potential - a general indicator of health, social potential - a robot personal achievements, communication with close people, support (internal and external), creative potential - social creativity, spiritual potential - values ​​happy family life, material well-being, loyal friends, health, interesting work (career), recognition and respect for others, independence (freedom)); models of psychological health as a set of potentials (mind, will, feelings, body, social and creative potentials) are determined; got further development of the idea of ​​the importance of psychological health in the life of the individual. The practical significance of the results obtained is that the quantitative and qualitative data used in the study about the peculiarities of the psychological health of the individual allow organizing educational work with students, providing them with psychological support in the adaptation period; to carry out individual and group psychotherapeutic and training work on support and correction of psychological health. The sphere of use of higher educational institutions, psychological services.


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