Tul S. Transformation of the World Labor Market under the Conditions of Digitalization

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 08.00.02 - Світове господарство і міжнародні економічні відносини


Specialized Academic Board

Д 11.051.03

Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University


Object of the study: process of transformation of world labor market in terms of digitization; the purpose of the research: development of theoretical and methodological foundations for the study of the transformation of the world labor market and development of scientific and practical recommendations on the assessment of the level of nationalization of national labor markets, as well as the effective integration of the Ukrainian labor market into the process of digitization of the global economy; research methods and equipment: historical-logical method, method of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, system generalization, system-structural method, comparative method, statistical analysis, forecasting, mathematical modeling method, multivariate regression analysis, questioning; theoretical and practical results: developed a methodological approach to assessing the level of digitization of the world labor market and labor markets of countries grouped by GNI per capita on the basis of an integrated indicator - the index of labor market digitization; improved methodology for the study of the global digital ecosystem of society, based on the clarification of the essence and interconnection of such processes as technologicalization, digitization and globalization; the concept of social ecosystems is proposed, the peculiarity of which is the application of its principles to the formation of a model of a digitized macroecosystem of the labor market, which is part of the digital ecosystems of meta and megacities, formed from subsystems (ecosystems of employers and employees), characterized by the presence and synergy of digital scientific and technological education. , provides for the creation of a digitized labor market, is regulated, coordinated by the government and authorities, as well as by non-governmental organizations; the classification of new forms of labor organization is specified, the peculiarity of which is taking into account the conditions of digitization of the economy and the world labor market, which allowed to identify the specific features of transformation of classical elements of the organization of labor relations, as well as to substantiate the theoretical foundations of determining the organizational and legal methods and conditions for the use of intellectual labor relationships; developed a methodology for determining the degree of formation of a digitized labor market, which distinguishes among the available applications to the analysis of a unified multi-factor regression model for different groups of countries; the definition of the role of intellectualization of social activity in ensuring civilizational progress is proposed; the peculiarity of the scientific basis of the study is the simultaneous application of this criterion for the synchronized assessment of sectoral changes in the world economy and structural transformations of the labor market, which allowed to determine the degree of conformity of the existing shifts in the degree of development of post-industrial relations in different countries; the approach to determining the role of economic privatization in solving the problems of the globalized labor market is substantiated; the peculiarity of the approach determines the position of the unemployed society, the formation of which is estimated as a phenomenon undesirable for humanity - in the future probable and general in scale, and in actual manifestation in the present time interval - as covering only a certain segment of society; it made it possible to identify a jobless society as a phenomenon that correlates in content with the existence of a global problem in society, and its segmental manifestation - as one that correlates with the presence of a global challenge, and to substantiate a society's ability to prevent the transformation of a global challenge into a global digital problem; degree of implementation: developments implemented in the practical activities of Department of Organizational Co-operative Policy and Corporate Communications of the All-Ukrainian Central Union of Consumer Societies (Ukrkoopspilka), Department of Economic Development, Trade and Investment Attraction of Poltava Regional State Administration, Regional Development Agency of Poltava region, Department of Economic Affairs of the Executive Committee of the Poltava City Council, in the educational process of the Universities Ukoopspilka "Poltava University of Economics and Trade"; scope: improvement of mechanisms of transformation of the world labor market in conditions of economic digitization.


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