Hnylorybov M. An innovative component of the international competitiveness of global industrial products manufacturers

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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  • 08.00.02 - Світове господарство і міжнародні економічні відносини


Specialized Academic Board

Д 11.051.03

Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University


Object of the study: process of formation of international competitiveness of world producers of industrial products; the purpose of the research: development of theoretical and methodological bases of research of formation of innovative component of international competitiveness of world producers of industrial production and development of scientific and practical recommendations on providing competitive advantages of national producers of industrial production in world markets within the framework of mechanisms of transformation of development strategies, organizational structures and culture of companies; research methods and equipment: dialectical, system-structural methods, methods of theoretical generalization, analysis, synthesis and grouping, logico-historical method, methods of analysis, induction, deduction, economic-mathematical modeling and comparison, statistical methods, system-dynamic modeling and correlation-regression method; theoretical and practical results: the concept of a globally innovative model of industrial production development has been improved, the main determinants of which are the gradual change in leadership architecture; increasing the importance of the innovative component in the competitive strategy of manufacturers; strengthening of influence of mechanisms of state regulation; increasing the requirements for social responsibility; transformation of the market relations model in the industry from vertical integration to long-term flexible network partnerships; the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of directions and levers of change of sectoral models of development in the conditions of formation of the global knowledge economy are offered, namely, it is substantiated that one of the important tasks of the innovative policy of an international company of mature industries is the formation of own intellectual capital; formation of a database of innovative products in the industry; creation of an innovative communication system and culture of the organization; creation of key competences to ensure sustainable competitive advantages and strategic leadership in the market, further transformation of key competences into innovations; preventing events and “shaping” the future by developing the organization's ability to strategically see the future of its business portfolio; a quantitative toolkit has been developed for assessing the impact of industrial companies' innovation activity on indicators that characterize their international competitiveness, the central element of which is a system-dynamic model of the relationship between a company's financial performance and investment in innovative and social projects; the hypothesis was confirmed that in the era of technoglobalism formation, increase of global competitiveness and strengthening of requirements of global strategy of sustainable development stimulation of realization of innovative development potential of mature industries, including metallurgy (through introduction of requirements to the social responsibility policy of companies, principles of "green technology" is stimulated, energy and resource conservation, policies of "permanent change" in management, creation of global and regional networks of interactions); the conceptual and organizational foundations of the innovative industrial policy of the countries, based on the taxonomy of the innovative industrial policy of J. Weiss, which provides for the classification of countries according to the three stages of development of industrialization; proposed systematization of innovative industrial policy objectives, types and nature of innovations optimal for implementation, a list of the main agents of change; degree of implementation: developments implemented in the practical activities of State Institution «Institute of Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine», Donetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine, Corporation "ІSD", in the educational process of the Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University; scope: formation of an innovative component of international competitiveness of world manufacturers of industrial products.


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