Kotok M. Educating personal identity in older preschool children

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 13.00.08 - Дошкільна педагогіка


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.454.01

Institute of Problems on Education of the National Academy of Educational science of Ukraine


The study sheds light on the problem of fostering personal identity in older preschool children as an internal dynamic structure that integrates a child's own self- essence, its fullness, uniqueness and independence in relation to other people, which she manifests in daily life with respect to herself and society. On the basis of theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem in philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, the essence of the concept of the personal identity of the older preschool child is determined as an internal dynamic structure that integrates the child's own self-essence, its fullness, uniqueness and independence in relation to other people, which it lives in relation to oneself and to society. The concept has been disclosed in the context of gender identity, social identity, the interaction of HLS and family as the first social institutions and subjects of identification of older preschool children. The study of the category "personal identity" made it possible to identify the components of personal identity education in older preschool children: cognitive - elementary awareness, understanding of gender, self-identification; emotional-value - emotional stability, positive-value attitude of the person to others and himself; behavioral - practical activity, real action and willingness to interact. The component structure of personal identity education in older preschool children became the basis for defining criteria with appropriate indicators: cognitive (the totality of ideas and knowledge of the person about themselves, awareness of the continuity and identity of their own self); emotional-value (emotional stability, positive-value attitude of the person to others and others, emotional attitude to others) and behavioral-activity (practical activity, independence, reflection of one's own behavior according to one or another subject of identification).


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