Dobrovitska O. Preparation of Future Social Workers to Tolerant Interaction in Conditions of Inclusive Social Environment

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 13.00.04 - Теорія і методика професійної освіти


Specialized Academic Board

Д 12.112.01

The State Higher Educational Institution "Donbas State Pedagogical University"


Object: the process of professional preparation of future social workers; aim: to determine, to substantiate and to try experimentally the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions of formation of readiness to tolerant interaction in conditions of inclusive environment in future social workers; methods: comparative analysis of philosophic, sociological, psychological and historical literature connected with the described problem; factorial analysis of pedagogical conditions of readiness of future social workers to tolerant interaction in inclusive environment; studying of educational documentation, the analysis of teaching plans of specialty “Social work”; pedagogical observation, questionnaire, testing, interviewing, conversation, the analysis of the products of creative activity, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics, novelty: pedagogical conditions of formation of readiness of future social workers to tolerant interaction in inclusive environment were theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified for the first time : optimization of the content of special training of future social workers through the studying in inclusive educational environment of institutions of higher education, using modern pedagogical technologies, which provide the formation of tolerant interaction in conditions of inclusive environment , involving of future social workers to volunteers’ activity in inclusive environment; the essence of such notions as “tolerance” and “tolerant interaction” in inclusive environment was clarified; the criteria, indicators and levels of formation of readiness to tolerant interaction in future social workers in conditions of inclusive environment were determined; content, forms and methods of formation tolerance and tolerant interaction in future social workers with taking into consideration the specifics of inclusive environment of institutions of higher education were improved; scientific ideas about professional training of students in conditions of inclusive environment got further development; the process of formation of readiness to tolerant interaction in future social workers in the conditions, mentioned above; the determinative role of the disciplines and extracurricular events in special training of a specialist.


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