Pazychuk O. Dietary individualization in the pre-competition training of qualified archers.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 24.00.01 - Олімпійський і професійний спорт


Specialized Academic Board

Д 35.829.01

Lviv State University of Physical Culture


Object –factors of increasing the effectiveness of training and competitive activities of skilled archers; aim – increase of the effectiveness of pre-competition training of skilled archers at the stage of specialized basic training with the help of individual dietary correction; methods: analysis of scientific and methodological publications, analysis of documentary data, surveys (questionnaires) of athletes on their food consumption, pedagogical methods (observation, testing, experiment), medical and biological methods, psychological research methods, methods of mathematical statistics; novelty – for the first time the program of individual dietary correction of qualified athletes at the stage of specialized basic training in archery was substantiated, which contributed to a reliable (р≤0,05) increase in the effectiveness in precompetitive preparation for participation in the main competitions of the annual macrocycle; for the first time the requirements to the daily rations of the qualified archers during training for the main competitions of the annual macrocycle at the stage of specialized basic training are regulated; scientific provisions on rationalization of archers’ nutrition and its impact on their efficiency have been improved; scientific provisions on the dynamics of physical fitness indicators, characteristics of psychological state an biochemical indicators during training and competitive activities of qualified archers at the stage of specialized basic training have been developed; results – results of the research were introduced into educational and training process of CCYSS№ 1 "SCA", SCYSOR "Electron", MI LRC "SHSS" in Lviv; specialization − physical education and sport.


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