Syvash S. DevelopmentofCreativePotentialofUkrainianLanguageand Literature Teachers in System of Postgraduate Education

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 13.00.04 - Теорія і методика професійної освіти


Specialized Academic Board

Д 17.127.04

Classic Private University


The theoretical foundations for developing the creative potential of teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature in the system of postgraduate education are disclosed. The study ascertains the content of the key terms that are essential for the conceptual and categorical framework of the research: «creativity», «potential», «creative potential», «creative thinking», «creative personality», «creative activity», «development», «development of creative potential»; «creative potential of teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature in the system of postgraduate education». The scientific contribution of modern researchers who address the issues of developing the creative potential of a personality in their research is analyzed. It is shown that creativity is the basis for personality development and that creativity is a prerequisite for creative process. The structure of creative potential of teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature in postgraduate education is defined and scientifically substantiated. Its components are identified: motivational, cognitive, procedural and operational as well as reflexive. It is ascertained which competences are related to the components and their content is described. The structural and functional model of developing the creative potential among teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature in the system of postgraduate education is theoretically based. The model outlines the implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions, components, forms, methods, criteria, indicators and levels. The model consists of four block: organizational and targeted; content and procedural; diagnostic; summary). The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of creative potential of teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature in post-graduate education are as follows: 1) activation of motivational attitudes in the process of creative potential development of teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education via cultivating teachers’ own subjectivity; 2) establishment of a creative environment as the condition for activating the communicative potential of the teacher’s personality through professional and creative interaction of the participants of educational process; 3) ensuring the prevention of professional burning syndrome among the Ukrainian language and literature teachers in postgraduate education to improve successful professional and creative activity; 4) stimulation of professional and creative self-realization among teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature in the system of postgraduate education by means of reflexive projecting


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