Dub M. Physical rehabilitation of the female students with obesity and risk of metabolic syndrome developing metabolic syndrome

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 24.00.03 - Фізична реабілітація


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.829.02

National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


The thesis theoretically justified, developed, implemented and experimentally tested a comprehensive program of physical rehabilitation of the female students with abdominal and gluteofemoral types of obesity and the risk of developing a metabolic syndrome. The purpose of the work was to theoretically substantiate, develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a comprehensive program of physical rehabilitation of the female students with obesity and the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, aimed at correcting excess body weight, improving the indicators of physical and psycho-emotional state, quality of life of the thematic contingent. The following research methods were applied in order to solve the purpose and objectives of the study: theoretical analysis of special scientific and methodological literature and documentary materials; comparison and collation method; anthropometric; physiological; sociological; psycho-diagnostic; pedagogical research methods; methods of assessing physical fitness (motor capacity); methods of mathematical statistics.


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