Khlopetskyi V. Correction of negative mental states of students by means of health fitness

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 24.00.02 - Фізична культура, фізичне виховання різних груп населення


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.829.02

National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


As a result of this study, there was theoretically substantiated the correction technology of negative mental states of female students, which provides a set of structural elements: purpose; main components tasks; content; implementation stages; forms and means; methods and techniques; principles; pedagogical conditions; evaluation criteria. Within the implementation of proposed technology there was developed content and methodological support for negative mental states correction of female students by health fitness means, reflected in the program "Negative mental states correction of female students" by health fitness means. There were also developed and implemented innovative fitness programs based on motor activity of aerobic (classical aerobics, step aerobics, slide aerobics, fitball aerobics, aqua aerobics, dance exercises, skipping) and strength character (athletic gymnastics, pump aerobics etc.); "mental fitness" programs, based on the implementation of own body control principles with the help of mind (yoga, Chinese gymnastics and its variety, stretching, Pilates), relaxation complexes. The higher efficiency of health fitness classes in comparison with traditional system of physical education for the prevention of negative mental states of female students has been proved.


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