Udovichenko O. Innovative development of industrial territories of the largest cities of Ukraine (on the example of Kharkov)

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 18.00.04 - Містобудування та ландшафтна архітектура


Specialized Academic Board

К 64.089.06

O.M. Beketov national university of urban economy in Kharkiv


On the basis of a new methodological approach to the study of the state and determination of ways of rational transformation of industrial territories of the largest cities of Ukraine, which developed during the socialist economy and lost its primary function at the beginning of XXI century, formulated scientific principles and directions of their innovative development in the aspect of functional-planning organization. These are such principles as: coherence of vectors of town-planning transformation of the industrial territory with its placement in the zonal structure of the city; typological variability of innovative development of industrial territories; conditionality of the town-planning organization of each type of innovative development of the industrial territory by town-planning characteristics of adjacent city spaces; combination of two types of innovative development of industrial areas: evolutionary and saltatory, as well as the principles of multi-functionality and complexity, environmental safety and science intensity, flexibility of functional planning, replacement of industrial enterprises and their sanitary protection zones with other urban functions, preservation of architectural heritage. The directions of innovative development of industrial territories of Kharkiv are substantiated and the scheme - model of their town-planning transformation with prospect of formation of technoparks, industrial parks, reconstruction and renovation of industrial territories is developed. The results and conclusions of the dissertation research were used in the development of the section "Production areas" of SBC "Planning and development of territories".


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