Nosach B. Civilizational dimension of armed conflicts in globalized society: a socio-philosophical analysis

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 09.00.03 - Соціальна філософія та філософія історії


Specialized Academic Board

К 27.053.05

Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav


The dissertation attempts to develop and substantiate a complex socio-philosophical concept of the civilizational dimension of armed conflicts and the logic of military action in the globalized society. Having revealed the peculiarities of military aspects in the system of social relations during modern wars, the idea that the planetary consensus in the "war - peace" plane still remains an ideal reference point for relations between countries with different cultural, religious, political views and only the appeal to ethical principles of coexistence and understanding of the eternity of human life in the generic sense can contribute to its achievement is proved. The desire for international order today can be strengthened only in parallel with the growing asymmetric nature and wars of the fourth generation threats, so the author first attempted to develop and justify armed conflict as a hybrid form of organized collective violence within relations between different countries or authorities within society, as well as the concept of military activity as a socio-philosophical phenomenon that has a complex structural meaning, reflects almost all aspects of social relations, while being their element. It is emphasized that armed conflicts have always accompanied the civilizational progress of mankind and influenced the nature of the processes of social transformation by the intensity of destructive actions and consequences. The process that begins with the conditional definition at the end of the 20th century of armed conflicts as wars of the fourth generation, which records the result of the military-historical evolution of methods and ways of waging wars in the agrarian and industrial stages of civilizational development is analyzed. It is proved that the current level of globalization of all spheres of socio-economic relations takes place on such fundamental principles as competition of knowledge strategies, formation of military units on the basis of "soldiers of the programing front", etc. Similarly, changes in the principles of the theory of military strategy of traditional armed conflicts lead to the launch of mechanisms for the formation of new ways of waging wars and types of military confrontation. The substantive nature of such modern organizational forms of armed conflicts as the Cold War, global wars, and asymmetric wars; low-intensity wars or local wars is revealed; real events, space wars, robot wars and the possibility of "synthetic telepathy" become the basis of achievements in the fields of virtual reality and artificial intelligence; military conflicts with the use of non-lethal weapons are occupying a separate niche. The dream international order today can be strengthened only in parallel with the growing asymmetric nature and wars of the fourth generation threats, so the way for solving this paradox of today remains an open question, and the ideal of peace, as a creative project of the defense power of the Ukrainian state, is a practical task for state executive structures. The position that the rational combination of these concepts embodies the model of value-semantic measurement of the results of collective interaction in ensuring the defense power of the Ukrainian state, and the basis of practical and structural changes in the system of patriotic education is the national idea, which plays a consolidating factor during the formation of its active life position, responsibility for its people and country was proved.


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