Martyniuk A. Administrative and legal support for the performance of tasks by the National Guard of Ukraine related to the territorial defence

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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  • 12.00.07 - Адміністративне право і процес; фінансове право; інформаційне право


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.700.01

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs


The thesis is devoted to the determination of the essence and features of administrative and legal support for the National Guard of Ukraine's performance of tasks related to the territorial defence. It has been argued that territorial defence is an important component of national security as well as one of the main directions for the implementation of the Military Strategy of Ukraine. The concept of «territorial defence» has been proposed to be understood as a nationwide complex of military and other special measures regulated by the norms of current legislation, which are implemented both in peacetime and in the event of the introduction of special legal regimes of social life (in particular, martial law), with the aim of ensuring national security through countering military threats, providing assistance in protecting the population, territories, natural environment, and property of the state and citizens from situations in the state of emergency. It has been proven that the content of territorial defence is a complex of actions based on the principles defined by legislation, which are implemented by specially authorised entities with the aim of ensuring the security and inviolability of the state borders, protecting the life and property of citizens, as well as preserving the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence of the state, as in peacetime, as well as in special periods, in particular in conditions of external military aggression. It has been emphasised that the achievement of this goal is preceded by the following tasks: 1) planning and preparation for possible and/or existing threats; 2) creation and support of territorial military formations; 3) preparation for mobilisation of available resources, in particular: human, material, and financial, to meet defence needs; 4) the development of military-civilian cooperation, which involves the involvement of public organisations, volunteers, and local authorities in support and implementation of territorial defence measures; 5) the formation and development of defence infrastructure; 6) providing the population and military units with information about the current situation and rules of behaviour in the conditions of a threat. It has been established that the key criteria for the classification of types of territorial defence are the following: 1) by nature of danger aversion: military, man-made, natural, terrorist, etc.; 2) according to the degree of resistance to the aggressor (on the occupied territory, on the verge of a collision, in the rear, etc.); 3) by the level of averting danger: global (which currently exists due to the full-scale invasion by the aggressor state); regional or local, etc.

Research papers

1. Мартинюк А. В. Адміністративно-правові форми та методи забезпечення територіальної оборони Національною гвардією України. Наше право. 2021. № 2. С. 235-239.

2. Мартинюк А. В. Перспективні напрями покращення забезпечення територіальної оборони Національною гвардією України під час дії правового режиму воєнного стану. Вісник кримінологічної асоціації України. 2023. № 1 (28). C. 290-297.

3. Мартинюк А. В. Поняття, зміст та значення територіальної оборони України. Право.UA. 2023. № 4, ч. 2. С. 212-217.

4. Martyniuk A. The essence, content and features of the territorial defense of Ukraine. Legal, Economic Science and Praxis. 2023. № 8. Pp. 32-36.

5. Мартинюк А. В. До питання імплементації зарубіжного досвіду забезпечення територіальної оборони в українські правові реалії. Європейські перспективи. 2024. № 1. С. 225-230.

6. Мартинюк А. В. Шляхи вдосконалення адміністративного законодавства, яке регламентує забезпечення територіальної оборони Національною гвардією України. Вісник Кримінологічної Асоціації України. 2024. № 1 (31). С. 410-418.


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