Koziakov R. Administrative and legal support of control and supervision activities in the National рolice of Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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  • 12.00.07 - Адміністративне право і процес; фінансове право; інформаційне право


Specialized Academic Board

Д 11.737.02

Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs


The dissertation is devoted to the study of the administrative and legal provision of control and supervision activities in the National рolice of Ukraine. The concept of control and supervision activity in the National Police of Ukraine is defined as the activity of officials of the bodies and units of the National Police, which consists in the application of measures of administrative and legal influence on the behavior of participants in administrative legal relations through the implementation of control and supervision powers in order to ensure legality in the following areas: а) ensuring road traffic safety; b) prevention and counteraction of domestic violence; c) supervision of persons released from places of deprivation of liberty; d) compliance with the rules of the permit system; e) prevention of child neglect and offenses among children; e) protection of objects of state ownership; f) counteracting the illegal circulation of excise goods; g) ensuring compliance with the rights of persons detained for committing administrative and criminal offenses. Systematization of subjects of control and supervision activities in the National Police of Ukraine was carried out according to the following criteria: a) type of subdivision in the structure of the apparatus of the central governing body of the National Police (Patrol Police Department, Preventive Activities Department, Security Police Department, Criminal Police Department); b) status of the police body (territorial, interregional); c) content of control and supervisory powers (general, special); d) object of control and supervision (road safety; permit system; property protection; established management procedure); e) time of control and supervision (permanent, temporary); f) the level of transparency of control and supervision measures (public, secret). The primary tasks of the control and supervision activities of the bodies (subdivisions) of the National Police have been determined, which include: ensuring legality and discipline in the activities of controlled objects; detection of compliance of the actual state of operation of controlled/supervised objects with the requirements of regulatory and legal acts; improving the efficiency and effectiveness of means of ensuring control and supervision in the administrative activities of the police; creation of organizational and legal conditions for the implementation by subjects of control and supervisory activities of regulatory influence on controlled/supervised objects. The need for the development and adoption of a special normative legal act aimed at regulating the entire complex of administrative legal relations arising from the operation of the Custody Records system, the use of which is one of the components of the control and supervision activities of the National Police of Ukraine, is substantiated. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the interaction of the National Police and other subjects of control and supervision in the field of combating the illegal circulation of excise goods have been developed, which include: a) compliance of legal provisions in the field of combating the illegal circulation of excise goods with the requirements of international documents; b) the presence of an entity responsible for coordinating the actions of control and supervisory bodies empowered to combat the illegal circulation of excise goods; c) the availability and effectiveness of tools, which are used to promptly identify and eliminate current problems of interaction (holding coordination meetings, meetings of joint working groups, round tables, etc.); d) the existence of organizational and legal mechanisms aimed at eliminating the duplication of control and supervision functions in the activities of interacting entities and the delimitation of their control and supervision powers in the field of combating the illegal circulation of excise goods. Based on the results of the study, proposals were developed for the introduction of appropriate changes and additions to the Laws of Ukraine "On the National Police", "On the participation of citizens in the protection of public order and the state border", as well as the adoption of new and amendments to a number of current subordinate legal acts, which regulate various aspects of control and supervision activities of bodies (subdivisions) of the National Police.

Research papers

1. Козьяков Р.С. Щодо співвідношення дефініцій «контроль» та «нагляд» в контексті здійснення контрольно-наглядової діяльності в Національній поліції України. Юридичний науковий електронний журнал. 2021. № 5. С. 360-363.

2. Козьяков Р.С. Система суб’єктів контрольно-наглядової діяльності в Національній поліції України. Держава та регіони. Серія: Право. 2021. № 4. С. 217-223.

3. Козьяков Р.С. Адміністративно-правове регулювання контрольно-наглядової діяльності в Національній поліції України. Правова позиція. 2021. №3 (32). С. 140-144.

4. Козьяков Р.С. Напрями контрольно-наглядової діяльності органів та підрозділів Національної поліції України. Knowledge, Education, Law, Management. 2022. № 7(51). С. 282-288.

5. Козьяков Р.С. Щодо визначення завдань та функцій адміністративно-правового механізму контрольно-наглядової діяльності в Національній поліції України. Право та державне управління. 2023. № 4. С. 78-85.

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