The dissertation provides a solution to an important scientific task, which consists in the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the state regulation of socio-economic development of rural areas in the conditions of digital transformation.
The classification of the planning stages of the state strategy for the development of the rural territory has been improved, which, unlike the current one, provides for the following stages, namely: determination of the goals of the development of the rural territory; analysis of the external environment; compiling a portfolio of the rural area; directions of rural area development; planning; strategy development and its implementation; final analysis of the efficiency and effectiveness of the planned planning process.
The interpretation of the essence of the state strategic planning of rural areas has been further developed, which should be understood as the activity of developing a strategy for the socio-economic development of areas with the aim of ensuring their sustainable development, which is manifested in increasing the competitiveness of rural areas, which is based on investment attractiveness, expanding production in compliance with ecological - socio-economic security.
Based on the work of foreign scientists, the concept of: sustainable development of rural areas as a process of qualitative changes in the social sphere, accompanied by expanded reproduction in agriculture, positive demographic trends and preservation of ecological and territorial integrity in the area of rural settlements and settlement areas, which is under the influence of various factors, has been clarified does not lose its equilibrium state; socio-economic development of rural areas, which are interconnected processes of expanded reproduction of agriculture and non-agricultural spheres of the agrarian economy, as well as improvement of the social sphere of the village.
Theoretical approaches to the generalization of foreign research on the issues of evolution and state regulation of sustainable development of rural areas have been determined, with the most significant areas of work being highlighted taking into account relevance, namely: research into national problems of the agrarian sector and development of rural areas; assessment of development factors and conditions; formation of national characteristics with consideration of current problems in rural areas; modeling of the development of rural areas based on social and organizational technologies; development of energy strategies for the development of rural areas based on renewable energy, bioenergy, optimal use of water and land resources.
The classification of determinants of socio-economic development of rural areas was developed by supplementing and clarifying the content of some of them, namely: economic determinants; social determinants; territorial determinants; determinants of effective territorial management.
The interpretation of the essence of the motivational mechanism of state regulation of socio-economic development of rural areas, which consists in the creation of conditions, as well as the activation of determinants, which allow satisfying the needs of rural residents in improving the quality of life and subjects of the rural economy through the formation of interests in the qualitative development of rural areas and application of various incentives; motivation; and formation of institutions of the motivational mechanism of socio-economic development of rural areas.
Approaches to the study of state regulation of the development of rural areas have been developed, namely: process approach; synergistic approach; institutional approach. The structure of the system approach as a methodological basis for the study of state regulation of the development of rural areas, which is implemented through genetic, structural-functional and reproductive aspects, has been improved.
The priority areas of state regulation of sustainable development of rural areas have been developed, and the components ensuring the processes of such transformation have been identified and included: in the economy; in the social sphere; in ecology; in the normative and legal direction. The formulation of the author's concept "digital transformation of rural areas" is proposed. A model of state regulation of the industrial and innovative environment of rural areas based on a technological approach has been developed.
It was established that in conditions of technological backwardness of agriculture, the main impetus for transformation should be the consolidation of efforts of agribusiness and the state as the main regulator.