Chornei V. Organizational and legal principles of the formation of the personnel reserve of prosecutor’s offices of Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 12.00.07 - Адміністративне право і процес; фінансове право; інформаційне право


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.503.01

Private institution "Research Institute of Public Law"


The dissertation provides a theoretical generalization and a new solution to the scientific task, which consists in clarifying the essence and revealing the peculiarities of the organizational and legal basis of the formation of the personnel reserve of the prosecutor’s office, as well as working out directions for improving administrative legislation, the norms of which are aimed at regulating the relevant legal relations. The concept and features of the formation of the personnel reserve of prosecutor’s offices are determined. The purpose, tasks and functions of forming the personnel reserve of prosecutor’s offices are established. An assessment of the current state of legal regulation of the formation of the personnel reserve of prosecutor’s offices is given. The scope and content of the principles of formation of the personnel reserve of prosecutor’s offices are disclosed. The administrative and legal forms and methods of forming the personnel reserve of prosecutor’s offices are outlined. The characteristics of the administrative procedures for the formation of the personnel reserve of prosecutor’s offices are given. The foreign experience of forming the personnel reserve of prosecutor’s offices is summarized and the possibilities of its use in Ukraine are worked out. Directions for improving the administrative legislation, which regulates the organizational principles of the formation of the personnel reserve of the prosecutor’s office, are clarified.

Research papers

Чорней В.С. До питання визначення поняття кадрового резерву органів прокуратури. Юридична наука. 2019. № 5(95). Т. 2. С. 189-193.

Чорней В.С. Поняття та види принципів формування кадрового резерву органів прокуратури. Юридичний науковий електронний журнал. 2021. № 9. С. 436-439.

Чорней В.С. Місце норм адміністративного права в системі правового регулювання формування кадрового резерву органів прокуратури. KELM. 2022. № 7(51). P. 306-310 (Республіка Польща).

Chorney, V. The essence and importance of the formation of a personnel reserve of procuratorial bodies. Entrepreneurship, Economy and Law. 2023. № 7. С. 165-169.

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