Kalashnikova S. Morphology of vasculonervous interrelations of human thyroid gland.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.03.01 - Нормальна анатомія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.600.03


Object of the study: morphology of vasculonervous interrela-tions of human thyroid gland, individual anatomic variability of thyroid gland, arteries, veins, nerves. Purpose of the study: to establish individual anatomical variability of thyroid gland structure, arteries, veins, nerves, morphogenesis of vasculonervous interrelations of human thy-roid gland. Methods of the investigation: macromicroscopy, mor-phometry, microscopy. Theoretical and practical results: more expressed anas-tomoses are certain for branching form of superior and inferior thyroid arteries, the places of transmit vessels and nerves are su-perior, inferior pole and lateral border of gland may be use in op-erations. Novelty: individual variability of thyroid gland, arteries, veins, nerves and its interrelations are found, new method of study di-ameter vessels bein patent is offered. Degree of introduction: the results are included into train-ing students at the chairs of human anatomy, operative surgery and topographical anatomy. Sphere of application: Medicine, human anatomy.


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