The investigation object: the normal human, mice and chick heart, the mice and chick hearts after ethanol and retinoic acid treatment. The investigation goal: the elucidation of morphogenetic mechanisms of heart birth defects after ethanol and retinoic acid exposure. Methods of research: anatomical, histological, histochemical, lectinhistochemical, electron microscopic, stereological, biometrical, statistical, three-dimensional reconstruction, computed three-dimensional design. The theoretical and practical importance of the received results: the obtained results expand existing concepts of basic principles and concrete mechanisms of forming of heart birth defects under influencing of chemical teratogenes. The results allow to forecast appearance and type of heart defects in man after action of such factors, as an ethanol and derivatives vitamin A, and also on the whole the matters which alter the neural crest. Findings of details of morphogenetic alterations of heart during forming of innate defectsatexperimental animals can be used in forming of pictures of anomalous morphogenesis of human heart. Findings about the morphological changes in the critical regions of heart at innate anomalies will allow to get the picture of morphofunctional descriptions of cardiac wall of heart departments in heart with birth defects. The scientific novelty of the investigation results: for the first time the certain morphological phenomena which prove the participation of neural crest in the models of anomalous teratogenesis by the use of ethanol and retinoic acid. Morphogenec processes which result in forming of heart birth defects in experimental models which connected with alteringof the neural crest by the use of ethanol and retinoic acid are structurally described. New data are got about the basic structural changes in different departments of heart – auricles and ventricles, interventricular and interatrial septa, atrioventricular channel, conotruncal part and valves of heart – at forming of heart birth defecrsin models which reproduce the defeat of neural crest. The mechanisms of anomalous morphogenesis in different models are first compared by system of the same parameters. A three-dimensional reconstruction of normally and anomalous developed areas of heart of mice and chick embryos was made; the spatial pictures of stages of forming of different heart defects are got. The mechanisms of anomalous development of heart after action of ethanol and retinoic acid, which are related to derivatives of neural crest, are define for first time. The degree of implementation: the results of the research are implemented in the educational process at departments of human anatomy of Kharkov, Bukovin, Donetsk, Lvov, Lugansk, Ivano-Frankovsk, and Ternopol State Medical Universities. Branch of usage: medicine, anatomy, embryology, histology, clinical medicine.