Bumeister V. Morphological and Functional Profile of Bone Regenerate Affected by Dehydration Disturbances in Water and Salt Metabolism

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.03.01 - Нормальна анатомія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 29.600.04


This thesis focuses on morphological changes in the post-injury regenerate of rat tibias affected by dehydration-caused disturbances in water and salt metabolism and on ways to address them. The structural and metabolic callus profile resulting from perforated fracture in the tibia diaphysis has been studied using osteometry, histomorphometry, ultra-microscopic examination and scanning electron microscope examination combined with microanalysis, regenerate chemical analysis. Also the study involves the analysis of injured bone characteristics and bio-chemical blood testing. It has been found that body dehydration slows down the bone regenerate formation process which manifests itself in cell imbalance at the first reparation stage. Changes occurring in cell interaction caused histogenesis to be disrupted at subsequent regeneration stages, which is evidenced by retarded hematoma reduction and a growth in fibrous connective tissue and a reduction in fibrolamellar tissue. Callus osteoblast areas have pronounced dystrophic and destructive changes materializing in pycnosis, a smaller number and disorganized state of cristae mitochondriales, vacuolated cisterns of granular endoplasmic reticulum as well as nuclei and mitochondria lysed zone. An increased rate of dehydration causes immature callus to be formed. Thymalinum when administered is instrumental in increasing the saturation of tibia regenerate with minerals and materially improving the structural and functional state of callus.


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