Abdul-Ogli L. Morphogenetic parallels between heart and placenta development in the prenatal ontogenesis

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.03.01 - Нормальна анатомія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.600.03


Research object. Kardiogenesis and forming of placenta of man during prenatal ontogenesis. Purpose of research of Establishment of the закономерностей forming and comparing in development of placenta and valvular vehicle of heart in пренатальном ontogenesis in a norm and at violation of forming of placenta. Research methods: anthropometry – for establishment of соматотипа; preparing – for research of формообразования of placenta and heart and his separate parts; a microscopy of microsections of placenta and heart is in different planes; иммуногистохимические research on the exposure of antigens of apoptosis, пролиферации, vascular endothelia, smooth мішечной fabric, placenta lactogen with specific markers (bcl-2, Ki-67, CD34 ?-sma, Plab); лектиногистохимические; морфо – and гистометрия with subsequent statistical treatment. Theoretical and practical value of the got results: The got results allow to forecast appearance and type of innate teratosiss of heart for a man at violations of forming of placenta, and also to extend the existent pictures of features of structure and forming of heart and placenta in ontogenesis, that, in same queue, will allow to explain the features of pathogeny of diseases of the сердечно-сосудистой system and basic mechanisms of origin of innate heart-diseases at violation of development of placenta. Scientific novelty of the got results: Results which deepen understanding of mechanisms and conformities to law of origin of heart-diseases after violation of development of ворсин of chorion of early placenta were first got, that is important for development of methods of their correction.


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