Kosharnuy V. Morphogenetic transformations the rats embryos organs after influencing of electromagnetic radiation.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.03.01 - Нормальна анатомія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.600.03


The investigation object: he formation of the placenta and kardiogenez rat. The investigation goal: study of morphological and genetic changes of the heart placenta rat embryos under the influence of electromagnetic radiation. Methods of research: preparation - to study the formation of placenta and the heart and its parts; microscopy histological sections of placenta and heart, to study the structural components of the villi of early placenta and heart valves and their relationships; immunohistochemical studies on antigen detection of apoptosis, proliferation, vascular endothelium, smooth muscle tissue, placental lactogen with specific markers (bcl-2, Ki-67, CD34, ?-sma, Plab); lektinogistohimicheskie tests for lectin receptors as histochemical markers of individual types of cells, cell populations with specific markers of migration - elderberry bark ( SNA) and adhesion - wheat germ (WGA), snail (HPA) and the bark of golden rain (LABA) and morpho-gistometriya with subsequent statistical analysis - to study the dynamics of quantitative parameters of the placenta, and heart rate, and after exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Theoretical and practical value of the obtained results. The obtained results allow to deepen and broaden existing notions of kardiogeneze and placentation, which will explain the features of the pathogenesis of congenital cardio - vascular system. The characteristics of the structural organization of the individual parts of the heart in normal conditions and when exposed to electromagnetic radiation can justify the laws of the changes caused by the influence of physical factors and predict the possibility of occurrence and type of congenital heart disease under the influence of electromagnetic radiation. Scientific novelty of the obtained results: the first stages of development compared hearts of rats at early developmental stages and milestones kardiogeneza compared in normal and after the influence of extremely high and ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic radiation. The regularities of formation of the heart malformations and structural changes in the wall of the heart under the influence of EHF - and microwave - radiation. For the first time carried out a comparative analysis of the effects of extremely high and extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation on the development of heart and CVS rats and found terminatsionnye kardiogeneza and placentation periods during which the influence of physical factors teratogenic leads to the formation of anomalies and malformations in kardiogeneze and development of placenta.


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