The object of study is a dialectical system of awards of Ukraine in XX-XXI centuries, wich constantly evolves since the period of Ukrainian Hetman State until the present and reflects in its development all transformation of the state and society. The purpose of the study is to explore the complex features of the origin, development, and operation of all components of the reward system of Ukraine (seen in dialecticfl unity as a complete system that is constantly evolving in accordance with the reguirements of the time), Ukrainian Hetman State, Directory UNR, ZUNR - ZO UNR, UNR Directory exile, UNRady, Soviet Ukraine, modern Ukraine after gaining national independence in 1991 under constant influence on it of various transformations of the state and society. The research is based on the principles of historicism and obyectivism in terms of the civilized approach. In a study aiming at the comparative method analogous organic synthesis of different methodologicfl concepts. In addition, some methods are applied sociology and politicfl science. Widely involved the following special methods of historical research: chronological, historicfl - genetic, historicfk - cjmparative, systematic and historicfl, anakyticfl, structural - functional, sestematic and structural, statistical methods of structuralism, periodization, logicfl analysis and retrospection actualization. Concrete historicfl methods of scientific research and dialecticflly organicflly linked with general scientific and complement each other and in many directions. The dissertation is the first study that examines the history of the formation and development of award of Ukraine of XX-XXI centuries in terms of politicfl and socio-economic transformation of state and society, beginning with Ukrainian Hetman State 1918. Reproduced peculiarities of national creativity award in different historicfl periods - Ukrainian Hetman State, UNR Directory (including exile period and awarding activities UNRady), ZUNR - ZO UNR, Soviet Ukraine, modern Ukraine. Through the lens of state and society transformation the gradual evolution of a complex reward system of Ukraine from simplified pragmatic period of Ukrainian Hetman State and UNR Directory, caused by the limited sovereignty of the Soviet Ukraine, to fully developed reward sestem of modern Ukraine. The process of the formation and maintenance of the existing reward of independent Ukraine, the impact on it by traditions of domestic reward works of different historical periods, European and Soviet reward traditions and all the features of the process of their synthesis. The prospects of further development of the national award system as such that is constantly in the process of dynamic development and reaction to new challenges of the time are covered.