Bogomolets O. The phenomenon of Ukrainian home icons.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

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  • 09.00.12 - Українознавство


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.001.43

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


In the dissertation, for the first time in Ukrainian intellectual thought in general and in Ukrainian science, in particular, the scientific consideration of the home icon was proposed as a unique phenomenon of Ukrainian folk culture, which over the centuries reflected the highest values of the Ukrainian people, determined the peculiarity of customary practices while laying the foundations for the development of Ukrainian ethnic identity. The attention in the dissertation research is given to highlighting the place and role of the home icon in the ritual practice of Ukrainians and to substantiate the idea of the unlawfulness of its unequivocal identification with either folk iconography or professional iconography, since the home icon is a syncretic phenomenon of the Ukrainian material and spiritual culture that arises as the result of organic development, on the one hand, Ukrainian professional and folk icons, and on the other hand – the religious outlook of the Ukrainian people. It was emphasized that the home icon in the artistic form reflected the peculiarities of the historical and socio-cultural development of the people, his ideas and values, the family lifestyle and features of economic activity, the originality of housing and clothing, and the level of involvement of the people in the Christian culture as a whole. However, inheriting the universal character of the church icon, the home icon appeared in a world-view that, in the difficult political, social and economic conditions of the life of the Ukrainian people, allowed to rise above the "township" of family life, without destroying primordial superstitious traditions, and to be involved in the construction a new world-view and cultural space – ethnic and national cultures.


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