The research object is professional training of future natural science teachers in higher education institutions; the research subject is the basics of professional development of future natural science teachers; the research aims to theoretically justify, develop, experimentally verify and implement the model of professional development of future natural science teachers and the pedagogical conditions of its realization; the following complementary research methods were used to achieve the aim of the research, realize its objectives and verify the research hypothesis: theoretical methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization; logical-and-structural analysis; induction, deduction, systematization; a systemic approach; modelling; empirical methods: praximetric methods; questionnaires, interviews, tests; pedagogical observation; pedagogical experiment (searching, ascertaining, formative); statistical methods; graphic methods; the scientific and theoretical value of the obtained results is as follows: for the first time, the problem of professional development of future natural science teachers has been holistically studied, namely, methodological principles of professional development of future natural science teachers have been theoretically justified; the concept of "professional development of future natural science teachers" as certain independent integrative activity conditioned by socio-pedagogical requirements for the profession, whose components are self-actualization (the need to realize one's opportunities), self-study (the enhancement of professionally important knowledge, abilities and skills) and self-cognition (a comparison of one's opportunities with the requirements of the profession), as well as a process involving the interdependence of self-management and management in terms of the educational process and a result reflecting readiness of future teachers for professional development, has been defined; the structure of professional development of future natural science teachers has been designed and the interrelation and interdependence of its components with those of readiness for professional development (motivation, cognition and activity, reflection) have been described; the concept of professional development of future natural science teachers has been justified; the author's model of professional development of future natural science teachers, which contains targets, organization and content, evaluation and performance blocks, has been developed, theoretically justified and experimentally verified; the criteria (motivation and values, information and cognition, technologies and evaluation) and indicators corresponding to the components of professional development have been determined; the levels of professional development of future natural science teachers (low, average, high) have been characterized; the structure of these levels has been specified; the educational and methodological support for professional development of future natural science teachers, including a complex of educational technologies and methods of their implementation, has been developed.