Polovynchak Y. Library in the system of online construction of national identity practices

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 27.00.03 - Книгознавство, бібліотекознавство, бібліографознавство


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.165.01

V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine


The thesis deals with the importance and potential of the library as a social institution in the system of identity processes implemented through online practices. The study of national identity as an experience and awareness of self-belonging to certain social groups and communities confirm the significant role of libraries as subjects of this process. The basic features of the interactive information and communication space in the context of the research and analytical activities of libraries have been established. The study demonstrated the basic identity practices in interactive media space. This thesis proposes the concept «national narrative» which is considered as a set of identity texts that shape the nation's idea of itself is created and redefined in various practices as an approach to research the participation of the library in identity processes. Priority strategies for cumulation of the national narrative of the interactive information and communication space by libraries are defined. Based on the analysis of approaches to the cumulation of information of the interactive Internet space, a new approach is suggested by the author


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