Masjuk O. Social hope phenomenon

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

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  • 09.00.03 - Соціальна філософія та філософія історії


Specialized Academic Board

Д 17.051.05

Zaporizhzhia National University


The relevance of the dissertation. The review of research in the field of understanding the future shows the constant focus of researchers to achieve the desired result from the implementation of a subjectively constructed sequence of events in the future. This understood as the social hope. In addition, the end of the last century marked by a strengthening of views on the future uncertainty, where the social hope is a visualization of protection from the inevitable onset of nothing. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, many tragic events, manufactured catastrophes, epidemics and wars deprived people of hope for sustainable development and established a new post-apocalyptic approach to intensive life here and now. This focus on the transformation of the humankind’s future is a test by which one can give way to existing life or become an active participant in social relations. This dilemma of the organization of further existence increases the relevance of our research of the social hope phenomenon as a reaction against the event saturation of postmodern society, which is the conceptual foundation for further development of study in this area. The purpose of the dissertation is social-philosophical understanding of the social hope phenomenon as a projection of future existence, analysis of its formation and realization in public life. The scientific novelty is to solve the problem of social hope phenomenon in the field of social philosophy – the creation of the social hope concept, which includes causal, contextual, value and procedural aspects of the study of this projection of the future and reveals the features of its impact on the transformation of further existence in society. The dissertation is devoted to conceptualizing the social hope phenomenon in the context of constructing of a projection of the future, which contributes to the focus of an active participant of public relations on constructive and mutually beneficial coexistence. The chosen research strategy based on the uniting of philosophical views included the joint use of dialectical, phenomenological, axiological and synergistic approaches. The research base included general scientific and specific methods of solving the set tasks: methods of classification and typology for the identification of varieties of social hopes. We also used terminological analysis to separate the hopes from other projections of the future and methods of idealization and extrapolation to analyze the life cycle of the research subject. This allowed us to reach for the following results. We substantiated the social hope concept as a dominant sensitive-noetic model of the prospective activity of the subject of public relations. It contains volitional activity for the realization of the subject’s potential, based on the assessment of the current situation and the systematization of ways to realize the desired future. In the stream of the research, we identified the role of social hope as a tool for understanding and transformation of the future, which helps to improve the clarity of the vision of the social world, as well as its transformation in the desired direction. The work proves the influence of social hope on the social development direction through the application of volitional efforts to appropriate the potential for existence and fixing acceptable living conditions in society. The author raised the question of the level of constructiveness of manipulation which using against the author of social hope and should not affect his or her subjectivity in the process of social relations. The study analyzed the existing practices of social hope in Ukrainian society and the impact of this projection on the optimization of the subject of its development. It is stated the need to comply with the proportionality of the reflection of society in this projection to real social processes. In addition, it is emphasized the importance of preserving multi subjectivity as a fundamental condition for ensuring the freedom to choose one's own future and its implementation on a competitive basis in the process of improving social interaction. Suggestions about further research on the specified issue are set out.


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