Kolesnyk M. "Theoretical-Methodological Premises of Developing Scientific Worldview of the Future Natural Sciences' Teachers"

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 13.00.04 - Теорія і методика професійної освіти


Specialized Academic Board

Д 58.053.03

Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk


This dissertation discusses theoretical and methodological premises of shaping future natural sciences' teachers' scientific worldview. The research is carried out within the framework of causative-systemic approach. The thesis introduces the concept of the causative-systemic approach to education and the respective model of developing students' universal scientific worldview. The paper discusses the designed and experimentally employed technology of shaping a number of fundamental worldview-level notions. The structure and dynamics of the universal scientific worldview are regarded through the prism of the systemic algorithms unfolding according to the universal laws of nature. The paper highlights the natural-scientific nucleus of the said worldview and identifies its architecture as a set of correlations between mathematic, physical, chemical and biological worldviews. The thesis introduces a pedagogical system of shaping future natural science teachers' natural-scientific worldview. This system focuses on specific mechanisms of the said students' training. It is visualized as the respective model encompassing the following components: structural (accentuating nuclear segments), orientational (worldview-oriented content), operational (technology of shaping natural-scientific worldview). The central part of the introduced pedagogical system comprises systemic algorithms of the laws of nature (as the focal component of causative-systemic world-outlook), fundamental methodological principles of developing a worldview, and functional states of live systems. The didactic nucleus of the introduced model comprises universal patterns of construing interdisciplinary educational content, didactic conditions of shaping a scientific worldview, and categorical strata (levels) of worldview-pertaining notions involved in logical-systemic thinking and sensory-logical comprehension of natural phenomena. The paper discusses the experimental data supporting the effectiveness of the designed educational model and provides further insights into its application in regard to the following didactic conditions: establishing a didactic resonance; defining sequences of didactic attractors which follow the universal-dialectic algorithms of systemic transitions; didactic contamination (compatibility of the educational content's interdisciplinary components at the level of worldview-pertaining concepts); didactic balancing of differentiation and integration of the said components at all levels of educational content; didactic prognoses and projecting in education. Designing the model of the universal natural-scientific worldview involves diverse levels of methodological integration: philosophic, general-scientific and specific branch-scientific. The tendency towards such integration is promising and fruitful in actual construing natural-scientific educational content. Such integrative modeling encompasses a number of conceptual guidelines such as causative nature of systemic relations, systems' hierarchical relations, mutual determination and auto- controllability of micro- and macro-processes, universal natural of live systems' sustainability as well as mental projecting as a mechanism of world views' mental modeling. The employed algorithm strictly falls in line with the causative-systemic approach and considers precise logic of natural laws' manifestations. Each of the addressed laws of nature complies with dialectics while a range of natural phenomena illustrate their universal character and prove to be logically isomorphic to the structure and functions of the human being as well as to the system of social relations. Thus the universal nature of the said algorithms and systemic patterns allows modeling and shaping an integral scientific worldview. The introduced educational model demonstrates a number of advantages for the future education which is expected to focus on the purpose of human existence hence attempt to coordinate nature-oriented hierarchical and synergetic connetions between educational systems and approaches; causative vector of one's worldview; nature-friendly education; reconsidering and modernizing the notion of "continuous education"; collective strategies as the premises of human development; civic society and civil government that provide adequate educational strategies and conditions; modeling of educational content according to causatively analyzed and integrated universal laws, patterns and algorithms of nature. Key words: future natural sciences' teachers, scientific worldview, structural-functional model of shaping universal natural-scientific worldview, pedagogical system.


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