Orlov V. Development of the theory and technology of remote detection and recognition of objects by adaptive systems in the conditions of short-term interference

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 05.12.17 - Радіотехнічні та телевізійні системи


Specialized Academic Board

Д 41.816.01

O.S. Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications


Object of research - the processes of information processing in adaptive systems for detecting and recognizing objects. Subject of research - methods of research of information processing processes in location adaptive systems of detection and recognition of objects in the conditions of short - term disturbances. Research methods. The development of methods for optimization and synthesis of DIA and ACP is based on the complex application of the theory of decision-making and pattern recognition, methods of adaptation in overcoming a priori uncertainty. Analytical methods of mathematical modeling and statistical analysis of time series were used for the analysis of adaptive systems. Methods of matrix theory and mathematical modeling of digital systems were used in the study of digit systems of digital systems and the amount of computational costs. The development of information technology (IT) for the classification of signals and interference is based on the theory of identification, classification and evaluation of parameters of random processes. To create full-scale models based on DIA and ACP, methods of expert systems, simulation and full-scale modeling were used. The following scientific results were obtained: for the first time a scientific and methodological approach to control the probability of detection and recognition in the development of adaptive systems, for the first time proposed a method for analyzing the probability of detecting signals against short-term interference in adaptive systems. developed a method for analyzing the probability of recognizing signal classes, further developed the method of error analysis, further developed methods of synthesis and analysis of multi-channel adaptive systems for joint detection and recognition, further developed an approach to building adaptive systems, further developed algorithmic software for creating models of signal classes and short-term interference.


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