Mishchenko S. Theoretical and practical basics of using inbreeding and hybridization in hemp breeding

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 06.01.05 - Селекція і насінництво


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.366.01

Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuriev


Object: the breeding process of the creation of monoecious non-psychotropic hemp varieties of various applications with desirable valuable agronomic traits and properties. Objective: to substantiate the theoretical and practical bases of using inbreeding and hybridization in hemp breeding; to develop and improve methodological approaches to effective identification of cannabinoid compounds; creation of self-pollinated lines and obtaining different types of hybrids on their basis in order to increase productivity, stabilize traits of monoeciousness and absence of tetrahydrocannabinol; to create source breeding genotypes and competitive varieties of monoecious hemp. Methods: general research, breeding, field experiment, hybridological, biometric, biochemical, mathematical statistics. Novelty. For the first time the theoretical and methodical bases of using monoecious self-pollinated hemp lines as components of different type crosses have been developed. This positively resulted in an increase in hemp productivity by individual and complex traits, in obtaining unique genotypes that reveal themselves in phenotypes with principally new traits. Manifestation patterns for the traits of presence and content of cannabinoid compounds in varieties and samples with a high content of non-psychotropic cannabinoids and absence or minimal content of tetrahydrocannabinol have been described. Peculiarities of cannabinoid compounds accumulation during ontogenesis in the weighted average sample of vegetative and generative organs suitable for isolation of cannabinoids have been revealed. A systematic approach to the creation of self-pollinated hemp lines of two different ecological and geographical types featuring many breeding traits has been developed. Schemes of the breeding process and hybridization methods for hemp have been developed. Methods for efficient identification of cannabinoid compounds for breeding purposes have been improved (qualitative evaluation and thin-layer chromatography). Results. The scheme of breeding process based on the use of self-pollinated hemp lines to obtain the source breeding genotypes with a high yield of biomass, fibre content, seed productivity, non-psychotropic cannabinoid content has been improved. New breeding methods are implemented. Valuable collection samples are identified. Synthetic populations and competitive hemp varieties ’Hlesiia’, ‘Hlukhivski 51’, ‘Mykolaichyk’, and ‘Hlukhivski 85’of various applications have been created. Degree of implementation. The created varieties are introduced into the agricultural production of Ukraine. The source breeding genotypes and new methods are included in the breeding programs of the Institute of Bast Crops of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences and the Institute of Organic Agriculture. Four inventor’s certificates for hemp varieties are obtained. Area of implementation: research institutions, higher education institutions, hemp growing farms.


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