Kudriavets Y. Innovation and educational cores in the establishment and development of international clusters

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 051 - Соціальні та поведінкові науки. Економіка


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.001.086

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


A top-down cluster service model in Ukraine is suggested. This model envisages the state’s proactive role and takes into account specific factors of the market environment in Ukraine is suggested. It includes service support, legislative support of the processes, establishing and providing support for the international communications among universities, business and the state, as well as the implementation of program initiatives for the establishing of universities as the core of international innovation clusters given the non-compliance of higher education institutions with the characteristics of business universities. The concept of the core of the international innovation cluster has been improved in terms of being the central element that initiates its creation, forms the principles and purpose, determines the nature of the functioning and development of the cluster, as well as provides options for the core’s interaction with the entities (vertical top-down, horizontal, polycentric, vertical bottom-up, and network interactions). This allows to systematize the world’s experience and build an effective cluster model with an educational core in Ukraine. The concept of "business university" was established. Such university becomes an institution that implements the function of generating new knowledge and technologies through the creation of infrastructural conditions for the commercialization and protection of intellectual property. This is done in order to develop the innovation system and strengthen the competitiveness of the economy, allowing to form the characteristics of the business university as the core of the cluster, including principles (reflexivity, multidisciplinary, autonomy, applied context), availability), institutional structure (technology transfer, intellectual property protection system, joint research centers, subsidiaries), the system of financial diversification (attraction of venture investments, own revenues, government programs), as well as support systems for research and entrepreneurship. The category definition of cluster" and "international innovation cluster" has been improved. An international innovation cluster is identified as a network of interconnected institutions from around the world with a dominant role in the research or educational institutions, engaged in joint research and innovation activities and involved in international technology transfer, aimed at achieving the synergy and competitiveness on the basis of sustainable development. Regarding the economic category definition, the international innovation cluster is defined as a system of economic relations between the subjects of cluster interaction, based on the joint research and innovation, as well as involvement in the international technology transfer to realize their economic interests. In contrast to the existing ones, this improvement of the category highlights the role of the educational and scientific environment, focuses on the core and the main tools for achieving results, which provides a basis for building a model of innovation cluster in Ukraine. A new approach for designing a model of transforming universities into more innovative and entrepreneurial was suggested. The Entrepreneurship University Index was developed. This index includes indicators that evaluate sufficient and required conditions of university readiness for transformation into a cluster core. Some indicators include human resources, level of research, internationalization and international influence, degree of autonomy, level of infrastructure development, participation in international clusters, and characteristics of the university (number of students, reputation, system of interaction). This will allow to provide quantifiable understanding to what extent the universities are ready to be ranked and provided the feedback on the weaknesses and strengths in the transformation process. Theoretical approaches to the classification of subjects of cluster interaction were further advanced based on the separation of their economic interests. This made it possible to determine the role of clusters at the macro-, meso-, and microlevels. The experience of formation and development of international innovation clusters with an educational core has been systematized, which allowed to summarize tools (creation of cluster agencies, cross-border cooperation, technology transfer networks), functions (cross-innovation, research, educational function, commercial cooperation and networking), goals (creation of added value, employment, maximization of the potential of regions at the international level, creation of regional innovation strategies for smart specialization).


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